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Thursday, January 5th, 2023, 10:42 am

Sirius Open Source Inc. (US) Against the First Amendment

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Sirius Against Freedom of Thought
Creative Commons Attribution-No Derivative Works 4.0

Summary: Sirius ‘Open Source’ was either lying to us or trying to bribe us after we had left the company; just 10 days after writing about these affairs two nearly-identical letters were fired off with astounding chutzpah and yet more lies (one of the main reasons we left the company)

We have only just mentioned how Microsoft gags former staff. Sirius ‘Open Source’ has no NDAs and non-disparagement clauses in separation contracts, so — to paraphrase an associate — Sirius cannot really “suppress public knowledge of what is really going on there in the hive.” It’s still trying anyway.

In the coming days we shall show managers hiding under the table while asserting others do not enjoy the same rights. One manager struggled to explain why he was digging for low-grade ‘dirt’ in the first place, looking to start a self-defeating witch-hunt, then boasting about “privacy” (while violating the privacy of others). As it turned out, he had lied. The usual. There are cases of hypocrisy and double-standards all over it, aside from gaslighting and pathological lying.

Enough. We’re out!

As noted in the video above, they still try to gag us and remove what we wrote, but in the coming few days I’ll show how the witch-hunt basically blew the face of the stalker, who had very different and unrealistic expectations of how it would pan out.

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