Tuesday, January 31st, 2023, 8:09 am
Last Part in the Sirius ‘Open Source’ Series
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End of Sirius
Creative Commons Attribution-No Derivative Works 4.0
Summary: The Sirius ‘Open Source’ series ended after 60 days (parts published every day except the day my SSD died completely and very suddenly); the video above explains what’s to come and what lessons can be learned from the 21-year collective experience (my wife and I; work periods combined) in a company that still claims, in vain, to be “Open Source”
THIS is going to be the last video about Sirius, at least for a while. We’ll get back to this subject, but only infrequently. We plan to publish a list of things that are applicable to every worker in the technology sector, especially companies that are openwashing (and let’s face it, as of recent years almost every technical company merely claims to support “Open Source” while doing almost everything secretly and keeping the crown jewels proprietary, sometimes patented too).
I can finally devote 100% of my technical capacity to Free software, either developing some or writing about it, as I’ve already done for more than 20 years (my personal site turned 20 last year).
At the moment society faces a number of threats and growing disruption, magnified further by an ever-escalating global (but proxy) war, which in turn impacts all sorts of other things (access to food, price of energy, mental health and so on). Things will be further exacerbated later this year, based on gloomy but seemingly realistic predictions (the forecasts of a recovery aren’t based on actual observable facts, only wishful thinking).
More and more people seem to be choosing to “disconnect”; if not from society then from “tech” (stuff like social control media, which was never meant to make people happy, except temporarily — that’s just what addiction does). Many people whom we used to revere and look up to have vanished. Many sites went offline (the Web is generally shrinking, based on Netcraft). Financial strain would accelerate these trends.
The rest of what I have to say will be covered in the next video. We’ll try to produce more articles with more videos.