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Sunday, April 30th, 2023, 10:32 am

The Crimes Went Too Far, Police Doesn’t Go Far Enough (So Far)

Video download link | md5sum 936bb02a9a75a1b377910fe67756870d
Tackling Sirius Fraud at the Police
Creative Commons Attribution-No Derivative Works 4.0

Summary: The managers at Sirius ‘Open Source’, who don’t even use GNU/Linux and who steer away from Open Source, stole a lot of money from many GNU/Linux engineers and were reported to the police; but it’s rather revealing and telling that the police does not prioritise prosecution against white-collar criminals (cops would rather deal with poor shoplifters and such)

Action Fraud is the UK’s national reporting centre for fraud and cyber crime where you should report fraud if you have been scammed [or] defrauded,” says the site at, which Greater Manchester Police asked me to go to. So 8 days ago I did and my expectation was that they would be slow to progress. As noted in the video above, it’s not just about myself as other former colleagues are victims of the same crime and they too are chasing this.

This video may seem unrelated to tech, but one must consider what Sirius ‘Open Source’ is and what it claims to be. This is turning out to be a massive embarrassment in the UK because clients of Sirius ‘Open Source’ (scare quotes intentional) were some of the very largest public institutions in the UK and elsewhere. What if they realised that a firm that calls itself “Open Source” is managed by people who reject Open Source and who engage in fraud against engineers who do in fact insist on Open Source? What would these large public institutions in the UK think?

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