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Archive for April, 2023

COVID-19 Won, We Lost. Why Doesn’t the Media Admit This?

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COVID-19 Remains Untackled
Creative Commons Attribution-No Derivative Works 4.0

I‘ve just published some hard data to show how deaths have soared this year, probably in relation to the neglect of COVID-19 response. Institutions and media compel us to think that COVID-19 is a “thing of the past” or old news while publicly-available data shows alarming numbers, including total mortality across all age groups (it’s up sharply).

Media gaslighting won’t be the solution to all this. We need proper research and real, hard answers.

In Ireland, More Deaths at End of 2022 Than in 2021 (COVID-19) and Far More Deaths Now Than During COVID-19′s Peak

tl;dr 8467 deaths in 2022Q3, compared to 8165 in 2021Q3

Last year we looked at this data and found that Ireland was not solving the COVID-19 problem.

We have newer data now.

Now, let’s compare Q3 deaths for even older years:

6517 in 2010
6911 in 2011
6825 in 2012
6983 in 2013
7001 in 2014
6851 in 2015
7129 in 2016
6987 in 2017
7143 in 2018
7358 in 2019
7111 in 2020

Don’t believe the numbers? Here’s the data:

COVID-19 Death Toll in the UK Passes 222,222, Not Counting Indirect Deaths

Excess mortality has been off the charts since last summer. The media chooses to not talk about this (or barely even mention that). A lot more publicly-funded research is needed here, with no (corporate) strings attached.

Meanwhile, “UK Deaths with COVID-19 on the death certificate” exceeds 222,222 (222,283 is the already-outdated figure).

Should we take this for granted? Or the “new normal”? Looking at the hard data, containment saved lived. Lockdowns had a real effect:

Lockdowns effect

COVID-19 is still with us. It won. It’s an unsolved problem and it’s not over, the media is just deflecting and leveraging Russia/Ukraine.

Yesterday around 10AM ONS was supposed to release some death-related figures (updated every Tuesday), but this time it was delayed till 13th of April 2023, i.e. tomorrow. Yesterday wasn’t Bank Holiday.

Sirius ‘Open Source’: Secrets, NDAs, Bullying, and Threats

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Sirius Victims Out the Woodwork
Creative Commons Attribution-No Derivative Works 4.0

Summary: We’re learning or becoming informed of some more crimes of Sirius ‘Open Source’ (a company we left over 4 months ago); the video above explains that the company or its boosters (maybe shills) resort to intimidation tactics and threats (familiar tactics), having not just lost key staff (including the CEO) but also found itself unable to recruit

NOW that people are speaking out about what the company did to them even a decade ago I thought I’d mention a bunch of old stories about what the company did to staff, clients, and suppliers.

The company may not last much longer (maybe weeks or months), pension providers have resorted to stalling tactics and lies (covering their own behinds), but we need to properly explain what happened, more so after Bill Gates had passed some money to the CEO under an NDA.

Whether Sirius was sabotaged or simply sabotaged itself is something for “historians” to decide. NDAs make its exceptionally hard to figure out what really happened.

Sirius ‘Open Source’ Does Not Pay Its Contractors

The company’s victims include blind people


You trying to seed doubt and gaslight many victims. You moreover make  veiled threats against people who speak out facts. Based on your earlier message, you're a friend or de facto  promoter/fixer of Mark


When I saw the praise for Sirius I did cringe to myself because I also find them to be a scummy company.   I thought I'd avoid responding, because frankly life is too short.  However, this veiled threat of libel is simply ridiculous, so now I am going to respond. The reason I find them scummy is because I worked on a project with them 10 years ago, and they simply didn't pay me and ignored reminders to pay the invoice.  The project was ultimately cancelled as the client changed their mind, so I guess Sirus thought they didn't need to pay me. It wasn't even a huge sum of money, but it was enough to totally burn their reputation with me.  So yeah, if they want to sue me for libel, bring it the fuck on. Thanks

Summary: The crimes of Sirius ‘Open Source’ turn out to have gone further than the pension fraud; according to a new message, the company withheld payment to staff that did a lot of work and we’ve seen even worse “wage theft” before (at one point the company was taken to court over it, almost exactly a decade ago if not many times more)

3 Months Later Still No Letters From NOW: Pensions (False Promises, Even From Managers)

Summary: The crimes of Sirius ‘Open Source’ were brought to the attention of NOW: Pensions a long time ago. But it’s still failing to fulfil a simple promise or, in other words, it lied (3 people, including a manager, lied).

A few days ago we shared a response from a manager at NOW: Pensions. But nothing was sent by post.

“I hope this helps to settle your concerns,” he said, but he did not actually do what his colleague, another manager, said would happen. “Please send the full letter, as promised, to 1) my wife 2) myself,” I said, “as promised by [redacted name]
as promised by [another redacted name]
as promised by [manager's redacted name]

several times since February. We need this obligation in writing.”

“To make matters worse, the company is trying to seed doubt, gaslight many victims, and make veiled threats against people who speak out facts.”I already have several of things on record (audio), demonstrating the promises were made. Those were never fulfilled, and very much by intention. The state of the pension “industry” isn’t good and their handling of pension fraud is rather revealing. Sirius found itself a convenient accomplice.

To make matters worse, the company is trying to seed doubt, gaslight many victims, and make veiled threats (by proxy) against people who speak out facts. NOW: Pensions has not replied to my message yet, but it’s a holiday here.

NOW: Pensions Trust Administration Team (Top Management) Gets Involved Amid Collapse of Sirius Corporation and Serious Embezzlement (Several Complaints, Several Victims)

Even the CEO left last month!

Salary at Sirius

Summary: Amid inflation, in light of Sirius workers leaving in droves, salaries have been cut even further (they’re looking to pay GNU/Linux engineers as little as 20,000 a year for an overnight job, including weekends and holidays!); of course many won’t know some of that sum will moreover been stolen (embezzlement) under the guise of “pension”

Bonus: The current pension provider has been put on notice regarding pension fraud at Sirius ‘Open Source’ . This has been escalated to the top management there. New letter below.

Dear Roy,

NOW: Pensions Trust (“the Scheme”)

Thank you for your time and patience allowing us to investigate your concerns, we very much regret that it has been necessary for you to contact us with your concerns.

Our understanding of your complaint is your concern that your NOW Pension is not safe due to your previous boss of Sirius potentially being involved in suspicious activities regarding the collection
of contributions.

It was necessary for us to refer your concerns to our compliance department; they have come back with the following information.


NOW: Pensions are authorised and regulated as a master trust by The Pensions Regulator (TPR). We’re one of approximately

38 master trusts approved and supervised continuously by TPR
to maintain the quality of master trust providers in the UK. This means increased protection for members and their pension savings.


We employ a specialist company known as a
custodian, which is responsible for guarding and protecting your money. It holds your pension savings, and those of all members, under a custody agreement (which is protected
by the law) until you ask for your benefits to be paid. The money is kept in a ring-fenced account which is separate from both NOW: Pensions and the custodian’s own funds and company accounts.’’

Our custodian is
BNY Mellon
, one of the world’s largest custodians. It looks after over US$30 trillion on behalf of pension schemes and other investors.

The above protection is only applied to funds that have been paid over to us.

Please also note that if you are a deferred member of the scheme ie you have stopped contributing the following charges will still apply:

  • A monthly administration charge of £1.75 (£21 a year) which covers the cost of running the Scheme.
  • An annual investment charge of 0.3% of the value of your savings. This covers the cost of investing your money.

we won’t take any administration charges if this deduction would result in your pension savings account falling below £100.

I hope this helps to settle your concerns regarding your NOW Pension fund, as you can see from the above, they have outlined how and who is responsible for protecting your pension savings and applies to
all NOW Pensions members.

Should you consider that this does not bring the matter to a conclusion, you can request that the Trustees review the matter through the Internal Dispute Resolution Process (IDRP).


Please contact us or visit:


You can also contact Money Helper for assistance:


Money Helper (formerly The Pensions Advisory Service)

120 Holborn, London EC1N 2TD

Telephone: 0800 011 3797 Website:


If you have general requests for information or guidance concerning your pension arrangements contact:



We’re here to help. If you have any questions or need information, you can call us on 0330 100 3334 from 9:00 am to 5:00 pm, Monday to Friday. Calls may be recorded and monitored for
quality purposes. When you call, please quote the reference above, your full name and National Insurance number. This will help us to help you faster.


You can also email us at or write to us by post. Please quote the reference above, your full name and National Insurance number in any correspondence.

Yours sincerely

Neil Morris


NOW: Pensions Trust Administration Team

For the record: Standard Life investigators now have several formal complaints from several different victims of Sirius pension fraud. It’s hardly surprising that remaining workers are fleeing (almost nobody is left, so the company lies about who’s there).

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