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Wednesday, May 24th, 2023, 11:20 am

Public Officials Informed of the Situation at Sirius ‘Open Source’

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Summary: The crimes of Sirius ‘Open Source’ are of interest to the British public sector; we’ve begun contacting relevant people

THE police chief in London openly admits that British courts are cherry-picking cases and it seems clear, based on personal experience, that the police is cherry-picking cases as well, no matter how many victims exist or how profound the crime/s might be. In fact, even when all the unambiguous (“slam-dunk”) evidence is handed over, Action Fraud can decide to do nothing.

I now correspond with my public representative in Manchester. Sirius has had many government clients (which we would rather not name as we never name clients of Sirius). This is a serious reputational problem for various high-profile clients of Sirius, which are tied to the umbrella system, governing the nation, including police, immigration, the health services and so on. They probably would wish to know government contractors scamming their own workers, who worked on government computer systems.

To put it another way, is this how the British government treats workers, via contractors that are rogue? The embezzlement started only a few months after I had joined the company in early 2011. So it’s not something that happened very recently. It had many victims other than me.

The way in which my reports were handled (or not handled) is of interest for political reasons, not just for more ordinary reasons (cracking down on crime). We’ll hopefully be ready to report concrete progress some time before this month ends.

If we must take this ‘dirty diaper’ to all the facilitators, who helped abuse their workforce by proxy, then so be it. We still have 4-5 escalation levels/points at this stage, but we’re exhausting them one by one, based on the hierarchy of the system. Sooner or later, we believe, the Rule of Law will catch up with Sirius and its enablers. Justice needs to prevail, one way or another.

Eminem with rocket launcher: The law and Sirius

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