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Archive for the ‘Family’ Category

Pre-Wedding Party

Today Roy and Rianne celebrate their one-month wedding anniversary.

We would like to share some photos from a small party we held several days before the wedding (close family only).

Roy and Rianne

Pre-wedding party

Pre-wedding party

Rianne, Roy, and his father

Pre-wedding party

Pre-wedding party

Pre-wedding party

Pre-wedding party


Pre-wedding party

Decorations by Lourenz

Pre-wedding party

Pre-wedding party

Pre-wedding party

Pre-wedding party

Pre-wedding party

Pre-wedding party

Pre-wedding party

Roy’s brother

Pre-wedding party

Apache the Family Dog

Here he is after his hair was trimmed a bit for summer. Usually he’s all fluffy.

Susanna Sorogon

Susanne Sorogon

IT HAS BEEN many years since I last updated or maintained the family tree pages on this Web site (not public), but moments ago I expanded the collection and also found this old photo of my great grandmother, whom I never met in person. It is saddening that several generations down the line people are no longer remembered, neither by their photo/s (they are not tagged with names, so blurring and fading are not the main issue, which digitisation can slow) nor their name; often enough not even a date of birth is recorded, let alone a short biography. It will be interesting to see what the Internet generation can do to change this.


Family picture

APART from this old page about my family, almost everything is private (ancestry pages too). The next week I will be spending with my mother (shown in the picture above), which is a rare opportunity to take some time off the Internet.

As friends of mine know, I left my parents’ house at the age of 18 and have since then lived on my own, expanding my areas of interest, holding about half a dozen jobs (almost a dozen in total including teenage years), and earning a Ph.D. degree. A lot of my accomplishments I owe to family and friends, but rarely does a person remember to acknowledge this.

So, just before I sign off for several days I wanted to make this post and thank those whom I grew up with. If you too sometimes neglect to thank someone, the summer vacation is a good time to make up for it.

Harvey and Anita: Best Couple in the World

Few people manage to maintain a healthy marriage, let alone do so for 55 years. Harvey and Anita are role models for love and companionship and today they celebrate their 55th wedding anniversary, which I am very excited about. This couple has shaped part of who I am today, so I am grateful more than they can possibly imagine.

Harvey and Anita

Anita, don’t let Harv pull that forbidden cake from his secret slot in the fridge! :-)

I Will Miss Jenny a Lot!

Jenny the dog
Click image for full size

J ENNY, pictured above, has been with us since I was about 8 or 9. I have just received some terrible news. Due to her degrading condition, including poor sight and sense of hearing, she will put put to sleep within a couple of days. I will sorely miss her. My memories of her go as far back as I can remember. Like all golden retrievers, she was calm, obedient, and affectionate. Jenny was family.

Related: Jenny, The Family Dog

Returning to Top of Things

I finally caught up with work. Having returned from this long Easter vacation overwhelmed by workload, I was rather restless for days. I am still feeling sore due to lack of exercise. This comes at a very bad time as a contest is commencing rather soon and I must be in a better shape.

I can finally take the time to post a photo which I was sent a couple of days ago. The photo shows myself, my cousin Rachelle, and my cousin Michael at their house in Davie, FL.

Roy in Davie

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