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4+ Years After COVID-19 Started England and Wales Mortality Up From 9,674 (5-Year Average) to 10,445 in Week 43 This Year

I‘VE just checked this morning’s new batch of data from Open the latest file in this page, then compare to 2019, which they make difficult to find.

We’re talking about 7% or so more deaths. It’s also this bad (or worse) in other rich countries and Finland’s government (health authority) reports that about 20% of hospital patients are there for COVID-19.

What have we solved really?

International Excess Deaths Remain High

In the news today:

  • Covid and flu patient numbers in hospitals grow

    The spread of Covid-19 is seasonally increasing in Latvia, with more and more patients also ending up in hospitals. Similarly, circulation of type A influenza virus has started and the intensity of flu spread is slightly increasing, according to last week’s monitoring data of the Disease Prevention and Control Center (SPKC).

2 weeks ago:

Description in case they take down the video (as they often do):

Our world in data

Excess mortality is a term used in epidemiology and public health that refers to the number of deaths from all causes during a crisis above and beyond what we would have expected to see under ‘normal’ conditions

Excess deaths =
Reported deaths – Expected deaths

The Human Mortality Database is maintained by a team of researchers based at the University of California, Berkeley, USA and the Max Planck Institute for Demographic Research in Rostock, Germany.

UK Excess Deaths: Still About 10% More Deaths Than Before COVID-19

IN the year 2019, especially towards the end of that year, COVID-19 was already spreading around the world (and out of China). By this point 4 years ago many people had already been infected. Looking back at what what ONS released yesterday morning, I can see that England and Wales weekly death data for week 42 are now 10.4k or more. Pre-COVID-19 the average was 9.6k, thus an almost 10% increase.

Over time, as medicine improves and treatments become better, we expect the numbers not to go up per capita, so population increases alone might play a role in any substantial increases in mortality. Did the British population explode by 10% in less than a decade? No.

So what is going on?

Ester McVey, British MP, on Lack of Debate About Safety and Efficacy

English and Welsh Deaths 10% Higher 4 Years After COVID-19 Broke Out, Cancer Diagnoses “Continue to Rise” According to National Broadcaster

The ONS data which came out 2 hours ago is interesting but not surprising anymore. Compare it to 2019 sheets to find that in the 5 years prior to COVID-19 the average number of deaths in England and Waves was 9,651 in Week 41. This year it’s like 1,000 deaths higher (same week, Week 41), or an increase of about 10%. So the pandemic isn’t over or something else is happening that our regime is reluctant to investigate and talk about. We already know cancer cases are rising sharply. To quote a BBC article from 4 days ago: “Over the last five years there has been a 9% increase in female breast cancer cases and 6% increase in lung cancer.”

That’s in Northern Ireland but probably representative of the rest of the country.

We need answers. Is medicine improving our health and making our life longer? Or did that stop? It seems like people deserve honest answers, at least some inquest.

COVID-19 Deaths Up, UK Deaths Up About 10%

I WROTE this blog post in another site. The gist of the relevant bits is, England and Wales deaths are up from about 9.2k to about 10k (per week), based on yesterday’s ONS numbers.

So the crisis remains.

England and Wales: Deaths Are Surging (We Need to Know Why)

I HAVE just checked this morning’s (weekly) mortality numbers across England and Wales in the official government site (ONS publishes these numbers each week).

Before the pandemic we had about 9,000 deaths on the 38th week of the year:

England and Wales excess deaths week 38 pre-covid

Notice how it has climbed since then. This year is a lot worse than last year, too:

England and Wales excess deaths week 38

England and Wales became a place where people live shorter lives. Has the government checked the reasons?

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