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4 Years After COVID-19 Broke Out UK Deaths Still Soaring

I HAVE just retrieved today’s number of deaths for the latest week on record, Week 37. It was released less than an hour ago and it shows England & Wales deaths in 2023:

England & Wales deaths in 2023

Compare to pre-COVID-19:


So about 1,100 people more died this year in that week compared to pre-COVID-19

There’s No Plan to Defeat COVID-19 and Many People Are Still Dying

Here in the UK, COVID-19 spirals out of control again. Almost 4 years have passed and there’s still no solution to it. In England, COVID-19 cases, deaths, and further escalations (hospitalisations) soared 30% in one week.

Based on the numbers released by ONS this morning, excess deaths across the country remain high.

Here is 2019:

English and Wales deaths 2019 autumn

Compare to 2023:

English and Wales deaths 2023 autumn

Notice the significant increase for the latest week on record.

CDC Advice on COVID-19 Vaccine Boosters Ignores Scientific Evidence Regarding Risk and Benefit

Another new video.

Description and sources:

Updated COVID-19 vaccines are recommended for everyone 6 months and older and will be available by the end of this week

‘Safe and effective’

Estimated hospitalizations prevented per 1,000,000 vaccine doses

12 -17 years

19-95 hospitalizations,

5-19 ICU admissions,

and perhaps one death.

5 – 11 years

16 hospitalizations,

(based on Spring 2023 data)

18 – 49 years

75 hospitalizations,

(based on Spring 2023 data)

Serious adverse events of special interest following mRNA COVID-19 vaccination in randomized trials in adults

Pfizer vaccines excess risk of serious adverse events

(Higher than placebo baseline)

10.1 per 10,000

101 per 100,000

1,010 per 1,000,000

Moderna vaccines excess risk of serious adverse events

(Higher than placebo baseline)

15.1 per 10,000

151 per 100,000

1,510 per 1,000,000

In Western Australia…

Total AEFI rate following a COVID-19 vaccine

264.1 per 100,000 doses

2,641 per 1,000,000 doses…

March 22 Moderna chief executive defended the company’s plan to quadruple the price of its COVID-19 vaccine,

$130 per dose

Pfizer last year suggested $110 to $130 per dose.

From FDA to MHRA: are drug regulators for hire?

Money derived from Industry

US Food and Drug Administration, $3,416,000,000 (2022)

The revolving door

FDA, nine out of 10 of its past commissioners, 2006 to 2019 went on to secure roles linked with pharmaceutical companies…

2005 UK, House of Commons’ health committee

Industry funding could lead MHRA, to “lose sight of the need to protect and promote public health above all else as it seeks to win fee income from the companies.”

BMJ investigation (2022)

We found that industry money permeates the globe’s leading regulators,

raising questions about their independence

Sociologist Donald Light, Rowan University, New Jersey

“Like the FDA, the TGA was founded to be an independent institute.

However, being largely funded by fees from the companies whose products it is charged to evaluate is a fundamental conflict of interest,

and a prime example of institutional corruption.”

It is no longer possible for doctors and patients to receive unbiased, rigorous evaluations from drug regulators.


“It’s the opposite of having a trustworthy organisation independently and rigorously assessing medicines.

They’re not rigorous, they’re not independent, they are selective, and they withhold data.

Doctors and patients must appreciate how deeply and extensively drug regulators can’t be trusted so long as they are captured by industry funding.”

Revisiting financial conflicts of interest in FDA advisory committees

Large study, FDA advisory committee members over 15 years,

those with financial interests solely in the sponsoring firm were more likely to vote in favour of the sponsor’s product.

Not Effective: COVID-19 Vaccines’ False Promise Harms Reputation of Vaccines in General

They also harm trust in government, media, and the medical profession

New video:

Video description:

Richer countries ongoing excess deaths

Our world in data, excess mortality…

Our world in data covid vaccination status

Office for health improvement……

Week ending 25 August 2023 (Week 34)

England and Wales

10,086 deaths

203 mentioned novel coronavirus

2.0% of all deaths

Of the 203 deaths

67.0% (136 deaths) recorded as underlying cause of death

Deaths registered in the UK

11,522, (4.5% above five-year average)

Deaths in Week 31 (Latest on Record for England and Wales) Up 12% Since Pre-COVID-19 Years

I‘ve just retrieved today’s data from ONS to assess the risk of dying after COVID-19 spread to the population in 2019, seeing that people my age group die a lot more. In the latest week on record, based on the data published an hour ago, 11.99% more people died than in the 5 years prior to the pandemic.

Here’s 2019:

England and Wales deaths - 2019 summer

Compare to this summer:

England and Wales deaths - 2023 summer

New ONS Data on Deaths (Total Mortality) Released, Deaths Still a Lot Higher Than Before Pandemic

I‘ve refreshed the ONS site repeatedly until I got the new data at 9:30 AM on Tuesday, i.e. the typical time slot (weekly). A minute ago the following was released:

Week 29 deaths in 2023

Summer deaths for England and Wales still around 10k per week. It used to be 9k per week.

Compare to 2019, week 28:

Deaths in 2019 week recited

And week 29:

Deaths in 2019 week 29

UK Statistics: Deaths Remain Very High in 2023

I‘ve just retrieved today’s new data release from ONS, showing that deaths for the latest week on record (in England and Wales) are about 10% higher than what they were before COVID-19. Is the pandemic over? Also, have we ruined people’s health? Many young adults are dying at alarming rates. It’s not about elderly people.


2019 week 28 deaths


2023 week 28 deaths

Also see Excess deaths, lack of debate

Older (not by a lot): European excess deaths

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