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In 2015-2019 (Average) 9,747 People Died in England and Wales in Week 21. That Grew to 11,111 This Year. It’s a 14% Increase!

New data released by ONS this morning.

Let’s compare pre-pandemic years:

2019 week 21 deaths

To this year:

2023 week 21 deaths

14% higher than before the pandemic.

UK Death Toll Continues to Climb (Up About 16%) After WHO Vainly Declared Pandemic/Emergency Over

Week 20 2022-2023 deaths:

Week 20 2022-2023 deaths

Week 20 2019 (and past 5 years) deaths:

Week 20 2019 deaths

In Summertime We Now Have Wintertime-Like Death (Mortality) Levels in the UK

I‘VE just taken a snapshot of the figures posted about an hour ago, showing that from 10059 deaths in week 17 of 2019 (before COVID-19 broke out) we rose to 12152, or an increase of 2093 deaths for the week. That’s an increase of 21%. Health emergency, right? Just don’t ask our government for comment… they’d rather not discuss this or investigate the cause/s.



14,024 Deaths in the UK During Springtime, British Media Silent (Despite the Alarming Data)

New: Excess deaths in UK rise

Description, in case Google takes down his videos again:

Excess deaths, dramatic increase, week ending 21 April 2023…

The number of deaths registered in the UK in the week ending 21 April 2023

(Week 16)

Was 14,024

22.1% above the five-year average

2,540 excess deaths,

of these deaths, 615 involved COVID-19

England and Wales

Week 16, 12,420 deaths were registered in England and Wales

538 of these deaths mentioned novel coronavirus (4.3% of all deaths)

Of the 538 deaths involving COVID-19, 66.5% (358 deaths) had this recorded as the underlying cause of death

The number of deaths was above the five-year average

Private homes (29.0% above, 771 excess deaths)

Hospitals (20.2% above, 924 excess deaths)

Care homes (25.3% above, 525 excess deaths)

Other settings (11.7% above, 92 excess deaths)

Could Bradford Hill criteria help?

The larger the association, the more likely that it is causal.

Consistent findings observed by different persons in different places

Lack of alternative explanations

The effect has to occur after the cause

Greater exposure should generally lead to greater incidence of the effect.

A plausible mechanism between cause and effect is helpful

Coherence between epidemiological and laboratory findings increases the likelihood of an effect.

Occasionally it is possible to appeal to experimental evidence

Analogies or similarities between the observed association and any other associations.

Sometimes, reversibility

COVID-19 Crisis Not Over, UK Deaths About 21% Higher Than Before the Pandemic

I CHECKED about 1.5 hours ago to see if the 10 May 2023 ONS numbers were already online. They were indeed, maybe around 9:30AM.

Deaths in week 17 in 2023

What does the latest data tell us? Compare 2019 deaths count:

Deaths in week 17 in 2019

Now watch this year:

The week 17 latest data

Focus on week 17, the latest on record. From 10,059 deaths in 2019 it rose to about 12.2k in the same week of this year, yet WHO tells us pandemic stuff matters no more and it’s time to get back to “normal”. Don’t listen to WHO. Rely on data, not bureaucrats and politicians who masquerade as health experts.

WHO’s Latest Statement Says More About WHO Than It Says About COVID-19

We’re worse off even by lockdown standards (2020)

Weekly number of deaths in England and Wales from January 2020 to April 2023

COVID-19 is solved; But deaths are off the chart!

IT is exceedingly frustrating to be governed by institutions or ‘public’ organisations funded by pharmaceutical companies (patent licensors) and their shareholders. The conflict of interest is profoundly yet rarely mentioned.

Based on the hard data, or the after-the-fact analysis, COVID-19 has left society far less healthy. In the UK and Ireland, for instance, far more people than one might expect are dying each day. The media doesn’t talk about it (or barely/seldom mentions it), but many critical thinkers have openly expressed concerns about these figures. The causes barely included suicides (they’re less than 5% of these gains); so what is it?

That WHO has become a bit of a COVID minimiser (not denier), helping to shape the narrative for companies whose products barely helped, says a lot about WHO and the UN. Don’t take health advice from these bureaucrats.

Pandemic ‘New Normal’: Sharp Increase in Deaths Across All Age Groups

England and Wales death totals by week:

2019 deaths: England and Wales death totals by week

Further to what I published on Wednesday, here’s a breakdown of increase in deaths by age group, debunking the notion that it is impacting only very old people.

The number on the left is the total deaths for week 16 (latest on record) in 2019, compared to the same week in 2023 (shown on the right below), i.e. last month:

For ages 15-45, 321 compared to 251: 28% increase in fatalities
For ages 45-64, 1478 compared to 1100: 34.4% increase in fatalities
For ages 65-74, 1878 compared to 1446: 30% increase in fatalities

Seems like a national health crisis, but the media hardly talks about it, so let’s pretend it’s not happening.

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