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Week 16 England and Wales Deaths in 2019: 9,025. Week 16 England and Wales Deaths in 2023: 12,420. Increase of 38%.


2019 deaths week 16

And now:

Week 16 2023 deaths

COVID-19 isn’t over. It never was over.

Deaths in England and Wales This Spring Vastly Higher (21% Higher) Than in Prior — Including COVID-19 — Years

I HAVE just checked again and new numbers, for week 13 at least, came out this morning, 5 days after the last time. The numbers are astonishing as they show 2,000+ more deaths than the 5-year average (including pandemic years).

So for a single week, week 13, we’ve leapt from 9,580 to to 11,584 deaths (+2,004).

2023 week 13 ONS deaths

Compared to 2019:

2019 and average week 13

New Data Out From ONS (Week 12): Number of Deaths in England and Wales 16% Higher Than Before the Pandemic

Some new numbers this morning*.

2019***: 10,402 deaths
2014-19 average***: 10,456 deaths
2022**: 10,747 deaths
2023**: 12,052 deaths


* As per 9:40 AM (earlier than 10, the usual time). Was supposed to be out on Tuesday, but this time it got delayed till 13 April 2023 (due to Easter/Bank Holiday).

ONS new week 12

** From ONS (above).

National deaths week 12

*** From ONS (historic)

National deaths week 12 in 2019

COVID-19 Won, We Lost. Why Doesn’t the Media Admit This?

Video download link | md5sum 0728ff8efe7b4350ffebfe6c23131bb0
COVID-19 Remains Untackled
Creative Commons Attribution-No Derivative Works 4.0

I‘ve just published some hard data to show how deaths have soared this year, probably in relation to the neglect of COVID-19 response. Institutions and media compel us to think that COVID-19 is a “thing of the past” or old news while publicly-available data shows alarming numbers, including total mortality across all age groups (it’s up sharply).

Media gaslighting won’t be the solution to all this. We need proper research and real, hard answers.

In Ireland, More Deaths at End of 2022 Than in 2021 (COVID-19) and Far More Deaths Now Than During COVID-19′s Peak

tl;dr 8467 deaths in 2022Q3, compared to 8165 in 2021Q3

Last year we looked at this data and found that Ireland was not solving the COVID-19 problem.

We have newer data now.

Now, let’s compare Q3 deaths for even older years:

6517 in 2010
6911 in 2011
6825 in 2012
6983 in 2013
7001 in 2014
6851 in 2015
7129 in 2016
6987 in 2017
7143 in 2018
7358 in 2019
7111 in 2020

Don’t believe the numbers? Here’s the data:

COVID-19 Death Toll in the UK Passes 222,222, Not Counting Indirect Deaths

Excess mortality has been off the charts since last summer. The media chooses to not talk about this (or barely even mention that). A lot more publicly-funded research is needed here, with no (corporate) strings attached.

Meanwhile, “UK Deaths with COVID-19 on the death certificate” exceeds 222,222 (222,283 is the already-outdated figure).

Should we take this for granted? Or the “new normal”? Looking at the hard data, containment saved lived. Lockdowns had a real effect:

Lockdowns effect

COVID-19 is still with us. It won. It’s an unsolved problem and it’s not over, the media is just deflecting and leveraging Russia/Ukraine.

Yesterday around 10AM ONS was supposed to release some death-related figures (updated every Tuesday), but this time it was delayed till 13th of April 2023, i.e. tomorrow. Yesterday wasn’t Bank Holiday.

1500+ Increase in Weekly Deaths (England and Wales) is Not “Back to Normal”

I‘ve just checked ONS. Its site was updated faster than usual, as early as 9:30AM this morning, at least for this dataset.

The site updated at ONS:

The site updated at ONS

Number of deaths for week 11:

Number of deaths for week 11

Notice how much that grew between 2022 and 2023.

2019 was a lot better too. 2019 data for March/April:

2019 data for March/April

So to summarise

2019: 10,567 deaths
2022: 10,928 deaths
2023: 12,133 deaths

They tell us the pandemic is a thing of the past. The data does not support this assertion.

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