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Ongoing Sharp Increases in Deaths Across England and Wales This Year

IN the latest data release about England and Wales (mortality so far this year) we can see that in the latest week on record for 2024 we had 11,076 deaths.

2014-2019 average: 9,804. For the same week.

That’s a steep increase.

England and Wales Deaths Rose From 10,059 to 11,170 in 5 Years (for Week 17, Latest on Record), We Need to Demand Answers About the Cause Because Young People’s Deaths Rose Almost 20%

11,170 should be expected around wintertime, not spring

I‘ve downloaded yesterday’s data from ONS and it seems consistent with what I saw in prior weeks.

For people under 45, in 2019 we saw 325 deaths (week 17). This year it’s 387. That’s an increase by over 19%. For the previous week it was an increase of over 23%.

What’s causing this?

[UK Health Crisis] Young Deaths in Week 16 2019: 320. Young Deaths in Week 16 2024 (New Numbers): 394. That’s a Fact. Deaths Increased by 23.1% Among Young People. It’s Statistically Significant.

Related and recent: UK Deaths Rose About 20%, AstraZeneca Withdraws Its COVID-19 Vaccine | Week 16 2019: 9,025 Deaths in England and Wales. Now? 11,877. An Increase of 2,852 for the Week Alone! A ’9/11? Per Week is the ‘New Normal’?

I AM defining “young” as the age bracket 0-44 and compare official government data from 2019 (5 years ago) and the latest, i.e. from this year (same week). 2019 total deaths:

2019 young deaths

See totals.

We now have new data for the same week in 2024:

These types of planned revisions should not be confused with errors in released statistics, which are genuine mistakes. Such mistakes occur rarely and, when they do happen, corrections are made in a timely manner, announced and clearly explained to users in line with the Code of Practice for Official Statistics (Principle 2, Practice 7).

Compare the following totals (same age range):


So that’s more than 23% increase in deaths (among young people).

The data does not lie.

Week 16 2019: 9,025 Deaths in England and Wales. Now? 11,877. An Increase of 2,852 for the Week Alone! A ’9/11′ Per Week is the ‘New Normal’?

I WISH this was only a joke or science fiction, but these are people’s lives. Each death is a tragedy to a lot of people.

A few hours ago ONS released the latest mortality numbers. It’s rather shocking as it shows a truly massive increase in deaths. For the prior week we saw ~20% increase in deaths and now, based on the official numbers, we’re looking at 32% increase in deaths. If medicine improves over time and birth rates are low here, then 5 years passing should not result in such a surge in deaths.

We need answers. Not just AstraZeneca running into the dark.

UK Deaths Rose About 20%, AstraZeneca Withdraws Its COVID-19 Vaccine

Week 15, 2019: (UK and Wales Deaths)

UK and Wales Deaths Week 15, 2019

Week 15, 2024: (UK and Wales Deaths)

UK and Wales Deaths Week 15, 2024

A massive increase.

Neanwhile, AstraZeneca runs away from its ‘best-selling’ product.

“The widespread and persistent use of Midazolam in UK suggests a possible policy of systemic euthanasia.”



Excess Deaths in the United Kingdom: Midazolam and Euthanasia in the COVID-19 Pandemic…

Citation: Wilson Sy (2024) Excess Deaths in the United Kingdom: Midazolam and Euthanasia in the COVID-19 Pandemic. Medical & Clinical Research, 9(2), 01-21.

Macro-data during the COVID-19 pandemic in the United Kingdom (UK) are shown to have significant data anomalies and inconsistencies with existing explanations.

England 2020

UK spike in deaths,

wrongly attributed to COVID-19 in April 2020,

was not due to SARS-CoV-2 virus,

which was largely absent,

but was due to the widespread use of Midazolam injections,

which were statistically very highly correlated (coefficient over 90 percent) with excess deaths in all regions of England during 2020.


Excess deaths remained elevated following mass vaccination in 2021,

but were statistically uncorrelated to COVID injections,

while remaining significantly correlated to Midazolam injections.

The widespread and persistent use of Midazolam in UK suggests a possible policy of systemic euthanasia.

Unlike Australia, where assessing the statistical impact of COVID injections on excess deaths is relatively straightforward,

UK excess deaths were closely associated with the use of Midazolam and other medical intervention.

The UK iatrogenic pandemic

Caused by euthanasia deaths from Midazolam and also,

likely caused by COVID injections,…

but their relative impacts are difficult to measure from the data, due to causal proximity of euthanasia.

Global investigations of COVID-19 epidemiology,

based only on the relative impacts of COVID disease and vaccination,

may be inaccurate, due to the neglect of significant confounding factors in some countries.

Donny Kurger on Excess Deaths and More

Another new video. Here it is:


Original video link…
Hansard link…
We know, by all the different measures, that many more people are dying now than were before the pandemic.
In particular, the impact on people’s hearts, and increasingly younger people’s hearts, deserves attention. The British Heart Foundation reported last June that since the start of the pandemic, 100,000 more people have died than would have been expected. That is surely significant cause for us to take this question seriously.
We know that there are adverse effects from the vaccination. Everybody acknowledges that; it is a question of the extent to which those effects have been manifested.
I am afraid, is that the MHRA is significantly deficient in the way it operates. The Cumberlege report—this was referenced in the earlier debate—raised concerns about the way treatments are regulated and licensed that have not yet been addressed.
I am afraid that through the covid episode many of the same concerns were manifested in relation to the vaccines.
We now know that the MHRA knew about the effect of the AstraZeneca vaccine on blood clotting as early as February 2021, but issued a warning about that only some months later—in April, a month after other countries had suspended the AZ vaccine. The MHRA also knew about the prevalence of heart problems and myocarditis in February 2021 but did nothing about it until June that year. In the intervening time, millions of people were vaccinated without the knowledge that the MHRA had. As has been said, we found out recently that Pfizer misrepresented the safety and efficacy of the vaccine. There has been very little comeback against it for that, and no meaningful fine. As we heard, just a few thousands pounds were charged in expenses.
The regulatory system that oversees the pharmaceutical companies is surely deeply conflicted, not least due to being partly funded by the pharmaceutical companies that it was set up to represent.
It is significant and of concern that they have made so much money out of the vaccines, and so far do not appear to be making due recompense for some of the acknowledged harms— I am not talking about the wilder claims—that their vaccines have been responsible for. Will the Minister enlighten us on whether the indemnities against civil and Government action that the Government awarded to the vaccine manufacturers at the beginning of the production process still apply if it transpires that the companies misled the Government and the public about the safety and efficacy of their product?
The inquiry has been mentioned. There are so many unanswered questions and apparent red flags that it surprises me that the media and Parliament are not more up in arms about excess deaths.
I am surprised that more attention is not being paid to this question.
The fact is that this scandal—if it is a scandal—suits no one in high places in our country.
It is true that we have an inquiry, but as the hon. Member for Blackley and Broughton said, surely it is asking the wrong questions.
It is very concerning that the module looking at the vaccination programme has been postponed.
It strikes me that the inquiry is essentially asking the wrong questions; it is really just asking why we did not do more lockdowns quicker. That seems to be its prevailing question for the experts—not whether the whole response was the right one, and crucially, in the light of what we now know, whether the final response of a mass vaccination programme was as safe and effective as was claimed.
We are rightly proud in this country of the effectiveness, speed and operation of the vaccine production and roll-out. It was a triumph of effective collaboration between Government and the private sector. The operation of the roll-out was a victory that all people can acknowledge, but it is not enough to say that the roll-out was done well. Was it done safely? Did it need to be done on the scale on which it was done? Particularly, did young people need to be vaccinated at all? We all remember Kate Bingham and others saying early on that the vaccine was only for the older population. These questions are increasingly being asked by the public and raised in the media.
Let me conclude quickly with what I have been doing. I hope that we will get more answers from the Minister than I have had so far from the Government. On 17 April 2023—a year ago yesterday—I wrote privately to the Secretary of State, asking him for evidence that justified the Government’s assertion that there was no link between the vaccines and the excess deaths. I did that because I had so much correspondence from people raising that concern. I said: [..]

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