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Archive for the ‘Health’ Category

Worst Coronavirus July on Record and Over 200,000 Dead in Latest Weekly Report

As per the figures released an hour ago (the data is only released once a week now):

COVID-19 data

That’s daily. About 50,000 more deaths this past year. Here’s weekly (now over 200,000 in total, for the first time):

The weekly COVID-19 data

Compare to 2021:

The weekly COVID-19 data 2021

Compare to 2020:

The weekly COVID-19 data 2020

NHS Data: The UK’s COVID-19 Vaccination Levels Have Reached Lowest Levels Since It Began (But COVID-Linked Casualties at Highest Level in More Than 3 Months)

Why is the media pretending that this isn’t a pandemic anymore? Or that it’s back under control? It’s clearly not. We need better vaccines, but no financial incentive exists for it.

UK's COVID-19 Vaccination Levels

That’s mostly young kids.

A Tale of Three COVID Summers, as Told by UK Hospitals

Latest available data/figures:

The worst summer with COVID-19 so far

The worst summer with COVID-19 so far.

Who Still Gets Vaccinated for COVID-19 in England? Kids Under 12, the New ‘Captive Market’, Almost 2/3 of New Clients

First shot, by age:

Potential Market

England: COVID-19 ages

A Year Ago Brexitnaro/Borisnaro Declared ‘Freedom Day’. Now, Almost 50,000 Additional Deaths Later, ~1100 Die in a Week in England Alone (in Summer).

Deaths in end of July>
Deaths in the end of July have soared. This chart was published hours ago.

2021 figures. Notice how many died each week (compared to the figures below)

2022 figures. Notice totals. 199,270 according to weekly UK-wide reports, but 202,000 according to daily ones.

With Football Stadiums About to Become Packed Again, Highest Daily COVID-19 Death Toll in More Than 3 Months

And it’s SUMMER!

Based on figures published an hour ago. Deaths by date, England only:

25-07-2022 30
24-07-2022 100
23-07-2022 80
22-07-2022 95
21-07-2022 110
20-07-2022 189
19-07-2022 258
18-07-2022 152
17-07-2022 178
16-07-2022 150
15-07-2022 134
14-07-2022 140
13-07-2022 157
12-07-2022 154
11-07-2022 147
10-07-2022 145
09-07-2022 140
08-07-2022 131
07-07-2022 117
06-07-2022 128
05-07-2022 112
04-07-2022 114
03-07-2022 97
02-07-2022 104
01-07-2022 92
30-06-2022 82
29-06-2022 85
28-06-2022 68
27-06-2022 73
26-06-2022 66
25-06-2022 71
24-06-2022 54
23-06-2022 71
22-06-2022 65
21-06-2022 56
20-06-2022 59
19-06-2022 59
18-06-2022 49
17-06-2022 51
16-06-2022 57
15-06-2022 46
14-06-2022 36
13-06-2022 37
12-06-2022 31
11-06-2022 43
10-06-2022 54
09-06-2022 36
08-06-2022 42
07-06-2022 39
06-06-2022 51
05-06-2022 45
04-06-2022 49
03-06-2022 34
02-06-2022 47
01-06-2022 39
31-05-2022 57
30-05-2022 59
29-05-2022 37
28-05-2022 52
27-05-2022 54
26-05-2022 62
25-05-2022 44
24-05-2022 46
23-05-2022 61
22-05-2022 63
21-05-2022 64
20-05-2022 65
19-05-2022 58
18-05-2022 57
17-05-2022 84
16-05-2022 67
15-05-2022 84
14-05-2022 82
13-05-2022 90
12-05-2022 101
11-05-2022 91
10-05-2022 107
09-05-2022 105
08-05-2022 105
07-05-2022 118
06-05-2022 124
05-05-2022 117
04-05-2022 122
03-05-2022 119
02-05-2022 139
01-05-2022 156
30-04-2022 164
29-04-2022 153
28-04-2022 169
27-04-2022 162
26-04-2022 154
25-04-2022 164
24-04-2022 159
23-04-2022 177
22-04-2022 191
21-04-2022 184
20-04-2022 206
19-04-2022 176
18-04-2022 225
17-04-2022 223
16-04-2022 227
15-04-2022 216
14-04-2022 238
13-04-2022 259

July 2020 deaths:

July 2020 deaths

July 2021 deaths:

July 2021 deaths

July 2022 deaths:

July 2022 deaths

UK Not Testing Enough for COVID-19 (More Than 1 in 10 Now Test Positive, But Testing Rates at New Lows)

Latest official NHS figures:

PCR tests around all-time low; percent positive for COVID-19 among those tested

Percent tested positive twice as bad as July 2021 and about 10 times worse than in July 2020!

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Original styles created by Ian Main (all acknowledgements) • PHP scripts and styles later modified by Roy Schestowitz • Help yourself to a GPL'd copy
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