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NHS Summer Figures Compared (COVID-19 in 2020, 2021, and 2022)

First two weeks of July, based on the official data.

Number of hospitalisations (severe cases of COVID-19), 2020:

14-07-2020 186
13-07-2020 189
12-07-2020 114
11-07-2020 177
10-07-2020 175
09-07-2020 214
08-07-2020 207
07-07-2020 215
06-07-2020 203
05-07-2020 195
04-07-2020 202
03-07-2020 214
02-07-2020 216
01-07-2020 270

Number of hospitalisations (severe cases of COVID-19), 2021:

14-07-2021 755
13-07-2021 750
12-07-2021 732
11-07-2021 594
10-07-2021 552
09-07-2021 559
08-07-2021 608
07-07-2021 571
06-07-2021 577
05-07-2021 521
04-07-2021 470
03-07-2021 396
02-07-2021 392
01-07-2021 373

Number of hospitalisations (severe cases of COVID-19), 2022:

14-07-2022 1,999
13-07-2022 2,131
12-07-2022 2,173
11-07-2022 2,240
10-07-2022 2,051
09-07-2022 1,800
08-07-2022 1,923
07-07-2022 2,222
06-07-2022 2,194
05-07-2022 2,181
04-07-2022 2,172
03-07-2022 1,977
02-07-2022 1,592
01-07-2022 1,558

UK COVID-19 Data Shows Citizens Should Keep Distance and Keep the Masks on

Very soon a million patients and already more than 200,000 dead

Mad max removes mask: Boris said it's safe now

No, it is NOT safe. Not safe at all!

The latest available data (UK-wide):

COVID-19 patients

COVID-19 soon a million

Stay safe, isolate when possible. It helps save lives.

We May Have Just Passed 200,000 Victims of COVID-19 in the United Kingdom

This is two weeks behind with missing data, as shall be noted below, so we may have already passed 200,000 (certificates with COVID-19)

Certificates for COVID-19

Notice that it has now been OVER 2 MONTHS (last update May 19) since we last had figures for (UK-wide) COVID-19 deaths by date. Borisnaro does not want people to know how bad it really became. This portal seems to have been abandoned. Borisnaro left us to die with COVID-19 (1000+ deaths a week now).

Latest! 2 months ago.

The missing data:

The missing data

Northern Ireland is missing:

Northern Ireland is missing

From the original page:

Weekly deaths with COVID-19 on the death certificate do not include data from Northern Ireland

Deaths with COVID-19 on the death certificate registered in the week ending 08 July 2022 are not available for Northern Ireland. The UK total number includes England, Scotland and Wales only.

Numbers for Northern Ireland will be included in next week’s release, and the UK total will be updated to include them.

If “[d]eaths with COVID-19 on the death certificate registered in the week ending 08 July 2022 are not available for Northern Ireland,” then add several dozens more.

For a couple of weeks with ~1,000 deaths per week it adds up to over 200,000.

We’re Back to 1,000+ COVID-19 Deaths Per Week, Reports About Excess Mortality Suddenly Stop

As expected, given very high patient occupancy in hospitals (it’s not improving, still about 14,000 COVID-19 patients in hospitals), there are many more deaths.

Daily deaths in July

It’s hard to know how much worse it is than usual. It has been 2 weeks since the government last issued this weekly report:

No more reports

Why no releases??? Even when it’s needed the most…

Borisnaro’s Nihilism Means ‘Culling’ of 200,000+ Brits; COVID-19 Hospitalisations About to Get Worst in 18 Months! Even in Summertime!

18 months ago; rising steadily

Nobody will hold “the clown” accountable:


Borisnaro’s Legacy: Policy of Culling the ‘Weak’ (COVID-19 Deaths Increasing, Will Exceed 200,000 in the UK Later This Summer)

Notice the increase (this is a couple of weeks back, it has gotten worse since)

COVID-19 death totals

Worse Than Expected: Daily COVID-19 Hospitalisations Exceed 2,000 One Year After ‘Freedom Day’, Patients in Hospital Rise From 3,800 to 13,741 Since June

New numbers published just 5 minutes ago:

COVID-19  13-07-2022

Hospitalisations in July

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