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UK COVID-19 Patients in July 2022 Six Times More Than in July 2021 and Three Times More Than in July 2020

This is already days behind (the numbers have grown since):

10,000 in patients summertime

10,000+ in patients summertime. By now it’s probably 11,000+. Let’s compare to past years:

COVID-19 patients count 2022

COVID-19 patients count 2021

COVID-19 patients count 2020

British Government’s Coronavirus Response Plan/Strategy

Root issue identified

Destroying COVID-19 is hard; Let's destroy all the COVID-19 data

COVID-19 Hospitalisations More Than TRIPLED During June; British Government: OK, Let’s Start Hiding the Data From the Public!

Hospitals filling up quickly

Hospitals filling up

In text: (Date, daily net gain, total sum)

29-06-2022 1,572 770,347
28-06-2022 1,454 768,775
27-06-2022 1,438 767,321
26-06-2022 1,276 765,883
25-06-2022 1,011 764,607
24-06-2022 1,072 763,596
23-06-2022 1,210 762,524
22-06-2022 1,133 761,314
21-06-2022 1,155 760,181
20-06-2022 1,055 759,026
19-06-2022 942 757,971
18-06-2022 797 757,029
17-06-2022 829 756,232
16-06-2022 822 755,403
15-06-2022 842 754,581
14-06-2022 763 753,739
13-06-2022 722 752,976
12-06-2022 659 752,254
11-06-2022 583 751,595
10-06-2022 589 751,012
09-06-2022 627 750,423
08-06-2022 664 749,796
07-06-2022 577 749,132
06-06-2022 606 748,555
05-06-2022 531 747,949
04-06-2022 443 747,418
03-06-2022 404 746,975
02-06-2022 412 746,571
01-06-2022 480 746,159

And what a timing to make these “very fine” announcements! See below [1, 2] (screenshots with full text as “alt” below, as these will be taken offline one day)

The Government?s Living with COVID-19 plan set out how the UK would transition from managing COVID-19 as an emergency response to living with the virus, whilst ensuring we retain the resilience and contingency capabilities to deal with the uncertainty around the future path of the pandemic. This transition is underpinned by the success of the UK?s vaccination programme, and a suite of available pharmaceutical tools for treating people who are most vulnerable or severely ill with COVID-19. Vaccination derived protection and treatments have changed the risks of COVID-19 and led a pathway to greater stability. As we move from pandemic to endemic, management of COVID-19 no longer requires the rapid deployment of specific interventions which respond to changing daily data, and wider public health measures and guidance provide an effective and proportionate approach. This makes it possible to manage COVID-19 in a similar way to other respiratory illnesses. COVID-19 will be managed through ongoing surveillance, vaccination programmes and strong public health messaging.

From Friday 1 July 2022, the COVID-19 Dashboard will move to weekly reporting. The last daily update of the Dashboard will be on Friday 1 July 2022. Weekly updates will be published every Wednesday at 4pm commencing on 6 July 2022. Daily data up to the most recent available will continue to be added in each weekly update. This will bring COVID-19 reporting in line with typical reporting schedules for other respiratory infections. This approach reflects the move from an emergency pandemic response to managing COVID-19 in line with the Government's Living with COVID strategy. This decision will be kept under review in the coming weeks.

Each Summer the UK Gets Worse at Tackling COVID-19 (More Hospitalisations and Deaths)

Back in January: Uncomfortable Facts: The UK’s COVID-19 Hospital Occupancy More Than Doubled in Just 10 Days, Based on NHS Data (Updated)

Lockdown and 'Freedom' day
We’re started July with a huge number of hospitalised COVID-19 patients (over 10,000). Summer 2022 is worse than summer 2021, which is worse than summer 2020. The “new normal” is treating mass infections and deaths as “normal” (nihilism).

UK numbers (still a week behind, expect about 10,000 in hospital by now)

23-06-2022 8,220
22-06-2022 7,970
21-06-2022 7,681
20-06-2022 7,392
19-06-2022 7,024
18-06-2022 6,724
17-06-2022 6,532
16-06-2022 6,453
15-06-2022 6,267
14-06-2022 6,089
13-06-2022 5,976
12-06-2022 5,704
11-06-2022 5,526
10-06-2022 5,522
09-06-2022 5,323
08-06-2022 5,302
07-06-2022 5,315
06-06-2022 5,289
05-06-2022 5,100
04-06-2022 4,946
03-06-2022 4,990
02-06-2022 4,970
01-06-2022 4,943

In England alone we’re already at 9,000:

30-06-2022 8,928
29-06-2022 8,587
28-06-2022 8,120
27-06-2022 7,822
26-06-2022 7,455
25-06-2022 6,973
24-06-2022 6,752
23-06-2022 6,401
22-06-2022 6,177
21-06-2022 6,002
20-06-2022 5,726
19-06-2022 5,436
18-06-2022 5,183
17-06-2022 5,037
16-06-2022 5,008
15-06-2022 4,843
14-06-2022 4,722
13-06-2022 4,602
12-06-2022 4,408
11-06-2022 4,257
10-06-2022 4,262
09-06-2022 4,082
08-06-2022 4,096
07-06-2022 4,108
06-06-2022 4,126
05-06-2022 3,965
04-06-2022 3,835
03-06-2022 3,849
02-06-2022 3,841
01-06-2022 3,800

COVID-19 in England: Cases Up 35.1% This Past Week (Deaths Up 30.1%, Hospitalisations Up 33.4%)


UK-wide COVID-19 patients in hospital:

23-06-2022 8,220
22-06-2022 7,970
21-06-2022 7,681
20-06-2022 7,392
19-06-2022 7,024
18-06-2022 6,724
17-06-2022 6,532
16-06-2022 6,453
15-06-2022 6,267
14-06-2022 6,089
13-06-2022 5,976
12-06-2022 5,704
11-06-2022 5,526
10-06-2022 5,522
09-06-2022 5,323
08-06-2022 5,302
07-06-2022 5,315
06-06-2022 5,289
05-06-2022 5,100
04-06-2022 4,946
03-06-2022 4,990
02-06-2022 4,970
01-06-2022 4,943

The England-only data sheet goes further to present, looking far worse. We showed it the other day.

Here is the weekly excess mortality report published a few hours ago.

Going Increasingly ‘Dark’ (Intransparent) About COVID-19 Data Just When It’s Surging at Astounding Rates (Worst Summer on Record)

How many people need to be rushed to hospitals (and sometimes die), taking up hospital capacity to the detriment of all patients, before the government acknowledge this strategy is failing?

England COVID-19 patients

COVID-19 patients in hospital

Notice how they’re phasing out bi-weekly updates (used to be daily), just when the problem gets more severe and urgent

COVID-19 Patients in English Hospitals, June 2022 (More Than Doubled in Under 4 Weeks)

27-06-2022 7,822
26-06-2022 7,455
25-06-2022 6,973
24-06-2022 6,752
23-06-2022 6,401
22-06-2022 6,177
21-06-2022 6,002
20-06-2022 5,726
19-06-2022 5,436
18-06-2022 5,183
17-06-2022 5,037
16-06-2022 5,008
15-06-2022 4,843
14-06-2022 4,722
13-06-2022 4,602
12-06-2022 4,408
11-06-2022 4,257
10-06-2022 4,262
09-06-2022 4,082
08-06-2022 4,096
07-06-2022 4,108
06-06-2022 4,126
05-06-2022 3,965
04-06-2022 3,835
03-06-2022 3,849
02-06-2022 3,841
01-06-2022 3,800

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