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Archive for the ‘Health’ Category

Highest Number of COVID-19 Hospitalisations in Almost 2 Months, So Borisnaro is Rapidly Abolishing the Transparency

If it surges during summertime (worse summer than 2020 and 2021), imagine what will happen in winter

We've quit caring about the deaths; today, but not for long; This will result in thousands of deaths

They skipped last week's report!

Despite Sharp Rise in COVID-19 Cases and Hospitalisations the British Government Demotes Transparency (From Twice a Week to Once a Week!)

Amazing! What Hubris:

Updates will be weekly after Friday 1st July 2022

From Friday 1 July 2022, the COVID-19 Dashboard will move to weekly reporting. The last daily update of the Dashboard will be on Friday 1 July 2022. Weekly updates will be published every Wednesday at 4pm commencing on 6 July 2022.

Daily data up to the most recent available will continue to be added in each weekly update.

This will bring COVID-19 reporting in line with typical reporting schedules for other respiratory infections. This approach reflects the move from an emergency pandemic response to managing COVID-19 in line with the Government’s Living with COVID strategy. This decision will be kept under review in the coming weeks.

Coronavirus secrecy

Coronavirus data weekly

Maybe they want to divert NHS resources to “Ukraine” or something?

COVID-19 in England: Highest Number of New Cases Since April, Highest Number of Hospitalisations in 1.5 Months, No UK Data in Nearly a Whole Month!

One of the scandals is the growing lack of transparency


In the chart above, based on this page, notice how long UK data has not been available. When examining the impact on healthcare it seems clear that even in summertime there’s a growing strain on the hospitals. It impacts also those who do not contract COVID-19.

Something We Did Not Have in Past Summers: a Summertime Surge of COVID-19

In wintertime yes, but not in summer also:

COVID-19 surge in summer

COVID-19 in England: Sharpest Rise, Highest Levels of Infection and Hospitalisation in Over a Month

Recent: COVID-19 in England: Testing Down to New Lows, But Cases and Hospitalisations Increase, Even in Summertime (Worst COVID Summer So Far


COVID rise in summer

FOR those who think we’re past the peak, remember we’re in summertime now. This summer is worse (more coronavirus cases and fatalities) than the summer of 2021 and the summer of 2020. More and more boosters have, at this point, become like placebos. Research into the matter concluded so at the end of last year. It was discovered that a fourth jab hardly improved anything.

Is COVID-19 going away?


Even the manipulated figures from our own government are unable to hide this anymore (despite record lows in testing, doctored definitions, optimistic miscounting, and media apathy).

Meanwhile, several of my colleagues got RE-infected (my mother had been RE-infected as well) and they take it quite hard. This is no seasonal flu, not even for those who got 3 or 4 jabs. This is different, but our government does not care anymore, due to business lobbying.

Go on then… go shopping, go on holidays. That money you spend goes back to the lobbyists.

Go out! Spread coronavirus!

Coronavirus Celebrated Jubilee

COVID loves superspreader events

Jubilee and COVID-19

The above post-Jubilee COVID-19 figures were published a few hours ago. How predictable…

COVID-19 in England: Testing Down to New Lows, But Cases and Hospitalisations Increase, Even in Summertime (Worst COVID Summer So Far)

We tested far more people a year ago.

COVID-19 tests down

A large proportion tests positive. Many are rushed to hospitals and some die.

COVID-19 cases and escalations

Patients admitted to hospital, first week of June:


07-06-2022 577
06-06-2022 606
05-06-2022 531
04-06-2022 443
03-06-2022 404
02-06-2022 412
01-06-2022 480


07-06-2021 131
06-06-2021 121
05-06-2021 96
04-06-2021 96
03-06-2021 93
02-06-2021 101
01-06-2021 115


07-06-2020 323
06-06-2020 306
05-06-2020 380
04-06-2020 458
03-06-2020 491
02-06-2020 553
01-06-2020 522

So this summer we’re worse off than the same period in 2020.

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