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Archive for the ‘Health’ Category

Comparing Nearly One Decade of UK Mortalities (Before and After COVID-19 Breakout)

The final product (2014 total deaths, up to present):

COVID-19 in perspective

Source material (we’ve already archived some of it, click for full view):

2015-2018 mortality UK

2018  mortality UK

2022  mortality UK

2014  mortality UK

With About 20,000 COVID-19 Patients in Hospital (Worst in More Than a Year!) BillBC/BBC Lies to the Public Again

No, testing levels have fallen

BBC lies

THE crisis isn’t over. No matter what Borisnaro et al say. Health professionals have repeatedly bemoaned politicians’ apathy on the matter.

We’re meant to think that our government has a monopoly on deciding when a crisis is a crisis and when it ceases to be a crisis. And not because actual public safety is a priority. At the moment, as shown above, BillBC is turning the British public into careless COVIDiots so that rich sociopaths who don’t mingle with the ‘hoi polloi’ can get richer, having already eliminated a lot of small businesses. They’re crushing the middle class to make themselves richer. They’re moreover taxing everyone through inflation. Just because they can get away with it (e.g. price-fixing cartels in energy and food), not because it’s necessary.

BillBC is a lying machine with a private financial agenda. Now it leverages the lack of data due to Easter to falsely claim that numbers are decreasing. Yes, well… number of tests have decreased. Lowest since 2020, as I’ve noted here earlier this month. We’re meant to hide the problem now? Or actually solve it?

Look at the official portal today; the British government is saying that data is “not available” “not available” “not available” “not available” when it comes to COVID-19. Then… they use the graphs to present the lack of data as a “decline”. This is gross misuse of statistics and it is offensive to basic scientific integrity.

And watch this section! Not updated in almost a week! Our regime does not want to share data on COVID-19 with us. Maybe it’s just not a priority because of holidays (be happy, peasants!! Be merry!) as if the virus takes a “break”. Meanwhile millions get infected each month (some don’t know it) and we’re ignoring the long-term costs.

Double-Masked, Double Purpose (or How to Compel Selfish People and COVIDiots to Respect Social Distance)

Video download link | md5sum 2bfa3534610e049b43e2f3576711375b
Masked and Isolated
Creative Commons Attribution-No Derivative Works 4.0

ABOUT a year ago our government compelled people to think there was some magical “freedom day” and COVID-19 was no longer a problem. About 50,000 additional deaths later we can all agree it was a self-serving lie from the ‘ruling class’. They just wanted to “reopen” every business (read: bring workers back to their cages), even when it wasn’t necessary to do so.

After passing a number of oppressive new laws we’re meant to think that it’s almost “back to normal”, sans in insane inflation rates. And sadly, many people out there increasingly view masking as an extreme choice and they don’t even try to curb the spread of the virus despite its widely-known long-term harms. I know this from personal experiences of colleagues.

People who think COVID-19 is “old news” are just as bad as those who insisted it was “fake news”; they’re all COVIDiots. In the video above I explain an approach for keeping such people away. It ain’t pretty, but it sure is effective.

To me, the masks (two of them always) serve a double purpose; more important than the fact they might protect me from droplets (I’m well aware of the limitations and efficacy constraints when others aren’t masked) is the fact that people keep away. Looking a little eccentric leads to that but it also signals to people nearby that you do not want close contact.

651 COVID-19 Deaths Reported in the UK Today (63.4% Increase This Past Week Alone)

Just an hour after we wrote about a surge in the number of people who had been hospitalised we are seeing, as expected, a sharp increase in deaths. This is the highest number in a very long time.

COVID-19 soaring

Testing Figures Diminish to Lowest Since 2020 as Government Strategy Morphs Into COVID Denial (COVIDiots in Charge)

Those aren’t cases but tests


IF you are one of the many people who feel like COVID-19 is a thing of the past and it’s time to socialise or mingle like before, then you’re been conned by greedy capitalists who want you back in your ‘cage’ (office space). It’s spring already and we have over 20,000 people battling COVID-19 inside a hospital.

Based on latest NHS figures, the number of COVID-19 patients in UK hospitals increased for 3 days in a row and it is now above 20,000. It’s 15 degrees outside, but many are in hospital beds with COVID-19. How many:

11-04-2022 20,032
10-04-2022 19,611
09-04-2022 19,481

Notice that it increases.

Daily number of COVID-19 patients (admitted to hospital) by date:

07-04-2022 2,212
06-04-2022 2,400
05-04-2022 2,548
04-04-2022 2,420
03-04-2022 2,285
02-04-2022 2,062
01-04-2022 2,109

815,569 Brits have thus far been hospitalised (for COVID-19). Some are permanently damaged. Many will get re-infected. Recovery did not make them safe.

Over 600 reported dead in the past couple of days, a week after the government had also tucked in another 2,700 ‘missing’ deaths.

Meanwhile, testing value has diminished. ‘We’ gradually stop testing people as if the problem just went away. Corporations hardly pursue any permanent solution. Governments like to pretend this is “old news”…

Over 200 COVID-19 Deaths Today (But Don’t Worry, Go Watch Football)


So today — after silence since Friday! (who needs information during weekends anyway?) — I decided to immediately go to the official NHS portal, checking the latest coronavirus-related data knowing that actual tests are less than half what they used to be only weeks ago (so one might get a false impression of calm, simply due to lack of tests). I’ve decided to write a report and then share it here, as usual, knowing that BillBC (BBC) is not informing the public, it’s just propaganda for “the economy” (rich people’s interests).

So today over 200 deaths were added to the tally, days after the government had added another 2,700+ ‘missing’ deaths (last week). See, they try to belittle the severity by delaying the disclosure. The same thing China did.

Compare 1,600 weekly+ deaths to wintertime.

Weekly deaths with COVID-19 on the death certificate by date registered:

25-03-2022 1,005
18-03-2022 829
11-03-2022 821
04-03-2022 815
25-02-2022 879

As can be seen above, there’s a 45% increase in one week. In just one week! And that’s in springtime; this is worse than in 2020.

But, you know, “go watch football, lads!”

And “ladies, please go shopping!”

“Leave it all behind…”

The virus that AstraZeneca and Pfizer “killed” last year is still with us, and it isn’t due to low vaccination rates (it’s very high in the UK). It was ‘eradicated’, just like the testing rates over here. It’s like they do just 3 million tests per week now, compared to almost 10 million before. They used to make tests (or kits) widely available, but they ended it last month because all that testing is bad for poll ratings of Borisnaro and Tories. There’s local election coming…

UK COVID-19 Deaths Soar to About 1,500 Per Week

Death tolls for this week:

08-04-2022 347
07-04-2022 317
06-04-2022 233
05-04-2022 368
04-04-2022 210



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