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Over 20,000 COVID-19 Patients in British Hospitals, NHS Reports It Has “DATA ISSUE” and “2,714 Deaths [...] Added Retrospectively on 6 April 2022″ (Updated)

Today there was lots of drama, including delays and excuses

Need more time to ‘cook’ the numbers a bit (perhaps to downplay the whole pandemic issue)? This promise wasn’t fulfilled. After 5:30 the same message was still showing. I had even bypassed cache. They’re making false promises.

Fewer tests
Fewer tests? Well, that might still not help hide COVID-19 patients rushed into hospitals, so disregard testing numbers (or cases).

Deaths figures for England include backlog
Oops. We forgot some dead people (as in “let the bodies pile up high”). Let’s just “throw them in” on a Wednesday when nobody pays much attention.

Kissing Wolverine: Took Borisnaro's advice; Does his own research, keeps social distance
The government and the BillBC have systemically lied and issued fake news to downplay the situation (in order to save face for AstraZeneca, which incidentally has a conflict of interest at BillBC)

There’s also this:

6 April 2022

Log category:data issue

Deaths figures for England include backlog

Due to a processing error, a number of people who died within 28 days of a positive COVID-19 test in 2022 were not reported in a timely manner. 2,714 deaths within 28 days of a positive test were added retrospectively on 6 April 2022.

The backlog of deaths has been added to the cumulative total for England and the UK. Newly-reported deaths for England and the UK on 6 April 2022 represent the numbers that would have been reported without the extra retrospective deaths.

For regions and local authorities in England, today’s newly-reported deaths within 28 days of positive test include all the backlog of deaths added today. Use caution when looking at the 7-day totals and change figures shown on the postcode search page for the next 14 days.

Numbers of deaths by date of death have been updated to include the backlog.

They’ve ‘quietly’ added another 9/11 (2,714 deaths) today. Sheeeeesh, nothing to see here… just a bunch of names. We cannot hide them forever.

Last year we saw similar stunts and in 2020 China did the same thing, adding about 3,000 deaths in just one day (doubling the running total) after faking relative calm for months. “Mea culpa, nothing to see here, we’ll just amend a bunch of old figure nobody pays attention to anymore…”

Update for 07/04/2022:

We’re still at record highs for the season, despite testing rates falling. That cannot hide deaths and escalations.

In hospital:

06-04-2022 20,409
05-04-2022 20,404
04-04-2022 20,433

Deaths this week:

07-04-2022 317
06-04-2022 233
05-04-2022 368
04-04-2022 210

Coronavirus is Enjoying Tories’ Policy as Daily Deaths Reach Highest Level in More Than 2 Months, Patients in Hospital at Highest Level in Over a Year

MORE people in hospital translates into more deaths.

The numbers don’t lie. Tories do. It’s harder to lie and to spin when hospitals and moratoriums report their data. The economy has sunk, people keep dying, and the situation is out of control because more patients enter hospitals than leave them, either dead or alive. We’re talking about COVID-19 in isolation here.

See the number of people currently hospitalised, as of 04-04-2022 (spoiler: 20,398 in hospital, highest since February 2021). Here’s a graph:

COVID-19 hospital records

More people hospitalised means more people will die. Today, or 05-04-2022 (368 deaths), is highest since 02-02-2022 (552 deaths). Maybe next Tuesday we’ll be at 400+. That’s about 5,000 dead Brits dying every month. Policies kill.

Dark Purple

MOMENTS ago we got the latest numbers after 3 days of silence, i.e. the usual.

UK COVID-19 deaths are up 11.1% this past week, there are now about 2,500 COVID-19 patients added to hospitals each day (worst in about a year), and with 20,000 COVID-19 patients in hospitals on April 1st it should be clear that we aren’t resolving the underlying issue. Here’s what the map looks like today:

A purple UK

Last week:

UK cases late March

Monday before that:

UK blackened

So what if it kills about 5,000 Brits per month?

Highest Number of COVID-19 Hospitalisations in 2022

Moments ago the NHS revealed that on Monday, the latest day for which we have daily hospitalisation data, 2,509 people were added to hospitals’ books due to severe cases of COVID-19. This is the highest number since last year. As a reminder, so far about a quarter of those hospitalised never leave the hospital alive.

Here’s what deaths look like today:

COVID-19 surge deaths 2022

The number of COVID-19 patients in hospitals continues to grow and it is floating at around 20,000 (rounding error). We’re seeing the worst numbers in almost 13 months (assuming we’ll reach 20,000+ next week), but our reckless government pretends this is OK. The way things are going, we may soon also have the highest number of daily hospitalisations (with COVID-19) since 13 months ago. In other words, since pre-vaccination era.

COVID-19 surge 2022

The United Kingdom Might Already Have the Highest Number of COVID-19 Patients in Hospital Since February 2021 (Before Mass Vaccination)

ARRIL is just hours away. They say springtime will ameliorate the crisis, right?

The title is not provocative but factual assuming you still trust the numbers from the NHS, which nowadays likes to compare apples to oranges. If anything, the NHS revised its methods to make the numbers seem smaller (less severe) than they actually are.

So today (minutes ago) the government added another 200 dead people to the tally, which approaches 200,000. That’s about one in 400 citizens. One in 4 that goes to hospital (for COVID-19) will only come back from there in a body bag.

So to better understand imminent casualty count/s we need to check how many are hospitalised at this moment. Spoiler: it’s like another stadium.

Well, the picture isn’t pretty as the latest sum of patients admitted to hospital with COVID-19 is 2,220 (that was on Sunday/Monday). Maybe it’s 2,500 per day already; hard to tell due to lag in reporting… our government recently decided that COVID-19 is so “old news” that there’s no need to report anything during weekends.

On 30-03-2022 (yesterday) 19,534 people were in hospital with this nasty virus, according to the official numbers. Compare that to 20,050 in 10-01-2022 — the highest figure since mid-February 2021.

Have we actually tackled this pandemic or are we simply deluding ourselves. Borisnaro’s regime keeps warping the reports (to belittle the issue), but it’s only getting worse and worse by the week. In the past week alone deaths increased to 1,097 (up 21.3% in just 7 days).

No More COVID-19 Testing Kits, But the Numbers Are Soaring, Plague Unresolved

Today’s numbers are in. Don’t get all optimistic because the government ceases to facilitate tests. They treat it like a self-fulfilling prophecy.

UK cases late March

UK deaths soar

COVID by date

It’s NOT Over! 165,000 Dead Brits — People Who Died With COVID-19 — as Coronavirus Patients in Hospital to Reach 20,000 This Week (Highest Since Pre-Vaccine Levels)

Today it’s the highest number of COVID-19 casualties since 08-02-2022 when it was 314.

Today: 303

Yesterday’s figures speak volumes. Patients in hospital:

28-03-2022 19,118
27-03-2022 18,370
26-03-2022 17,653

165,000 dead will be tomorrow or Thursday. Friday will almost certainly be over 20,000 in hospital, i.e. worse in over a year

20000 in hospital

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