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UK COVID-19 Mortality Numbers: March 2021 Versus March 2022


08-03-2022 212
07-03-2022 139
06-03-2022 not reported
05-03-2022 not reported
04-03-2022 110
03-03-2022 194
02-03-2022 74
01-03-2022 194


08-03-2021 65
07-03-2021 82
06-03-2021 158
05-03-2021 236
04-03-2021 242
03-03-2021 315
02-03-2021 343
01-03-2021 104


UK COVID-19 Mortality Numbers

UK COVID-19 Mortality Numbers

The latter is from the official government site. Remember there’s a new surge right now. It will result in an impending rise in casualties.

The United Kingdom Has Another COVID-19 Surge, But Media Hardly Mentions This

The pandemic is far from over

On premature optimism

UK infections and hospitalisations (with COVID-19) are rising again, according to official tallies, which tend to be overly optimistic. We’re meant not to pay attention because the media is busy talking about Russia, the government departments have cut loose many people, and tests too are being curtailed this month. In spite of these cuts, and in spite us gradually approaching spring (it’s getting warmer already), COVID-19 cases in the UK have been up 40% in one week, this past week (322,917). But testing went down sharply (from over 10 million a week to just about 4), so maybe that number of cases (not just confirmed cases) actually doubled this past week or few weeks. The number of people (in the UK) who tested positive for COVID-19 will soon exceed 20 million, out of a total of almost 70 million. We already know the long-term effects of an infection, but that does not alarm Borisnaro, who would rather change the subject, having nearly lost his job because of the COVID scandals (he nearly lost his life, too). The latest England mortality report can be found here and the next one is due tomorrow.

When I visited a clinic yesterday I spoke to one of the nurses about the lack of protection for workers; our government is giving the impression that being maskless, even indoors, is perfectly acceptable. The recent COVID surge across the UK reveals how misguided that is.

Official NHS Numbers: COVID-19 Vaccination Uptake Lowest Since Records Began

This past week, across the UK at large, the number of COVID-19 vaccines administered (including “boosters”) was lowest since the tallies began back in January 2021 (source)

COVID vaccine totals

Maybe this is what happens when the government gaslights victims and wants people to go “back to the office”. Yesterday I was irked if not irritated by a COVID-19 denier (COVIDiots like to pretend either that it’s “old news” or “fake news”). My mom did what the government said — she went “back to normal” so to speak — and got COVID-19 (she told me yesterday). A pandemic isn’t something you can wish away (in the US they still have ~2,000 deaths in weekdays), as my mom can attest. She took not only one booster but two. And yet, she is taking the real thing very hard. This time it’s an actual potent virus. It’s a real problem and it has already killed many people. It is still killing people. You can see these mortality graphs. “In week 6 2022,” said this latest report (from Thursday), “an estimated 11,558 all-cause deaths were registered in England and Wales (source: Office for National Statistics (ONS)). This is a decrease compared to the 11,862 deaths registered in week 5 2022.” Over 15,000 were dying at the same time last year. So the vaccines did work. They did reduce mortality, overall (all causes combined).

Is this problem over? Hardly!

“From the week of 21 February 2022, the UK Health Security Agency will stop publishing dashboard updates at weekends,” says the official COVID portal of our government. So the regime is trying to sort of ‘wish’ COVID-19 away… because of “the economy”, the precious businessman’s wealth! Notice how few get newly vaccinated for COVID now (it’s like 7k a day). The graphs are flattened almost:

COVID vaccine uptake

Keep the mask on, keep distance too. Don’t get this virus if you haven’t already. And even if it infected you before, remember it can infect you again. And again… and again.

NHS Data: COVID-19 Casualties in England, by Age Bracket/Group

England COVID-19 deaths

In a nutshell:

  • Data collected until last month
  • Death’s cause based on mention in the death certificate
  • England only

Raw data as ODF

COVID-19 Deaths in England, Split by Ethnicity

England COVID-19 deaths

In a nutshell:

  • Data collected until last month
  • Death’s cause based on mention in the death certificate
  • England only

Raw data as ODF

BBC Isn’t Journalism Anymore, It’s Misleading Clickbait


The misinformation (or deliberate clickbait) reaches new heights, as they provoke people into thinking there’s a fifth dose already (but that’s not what the article says). With writers and several editors involved, surely they knew it would bait people.

Official NHS Data: This Week We’ve Had Record COVID-19 Death Toll in 12 Months

COVID-19 record

And of course some media still wants us to pretend it’s all (mostly) over and we need to get “back to business” for “the economy!”

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