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Emergency Door on Plane Misused

Big Plane

ON airplanes, I frequently get assigned the seat that is adjacent to the emergency door. I don’t know if it’s merely a coincidence, or perhaps they ‘pre-allocate’ particular people whom they trust (shameless flattery, pat self on back). Either way, I always wonder what mechanism/s they have to ensure that suicidal individuals cannot open that door in during flights. The news from Australis give a bit of a clue.

A 34-year-old French woman, who tried to open the emergency door of a plane so she could have a cigarette, has appeared in the Brisbane Magistrates Court.


Today she pleaded guilty to a charge of endangering safety on an aircraft.

E Equals M C Squared 100 Years Old

Equation in German

The famous E=mc² equation finally see its centenary.

Physicists are celebrating the centenary of Albert Einstein’s best known equation: E=mc².


It seems so simple: three letters standing for energy, mass, and the speed of light, brought together with the tightness of a soundbite.

Related item: Einstein Manuscript Archives

The Bad Habits Trap

Wine bottle

An academic study suggests that long-standing habits are difficult to break for a reason. It attributes this chronic and dangerous entity to physiology. This might, at least in part, explain why so many of us struggle to change recurring activities or rid ourselves from addictions.

Old habits don’t die. They hibernate.

Habitual activity–smoking, eating fatty foods, gambling–changes neural activity patterns in a specific region of the brain when habits are formed.

Google Finally Invade Sites

Google Cookie

Google Analytics will know
even more than the Google cookie

GOOGLE have introduced their site statistics service only a few days ago. They teamed up with Urchin who are among the best in their field, if not best in terms of the popularity and functionality of their software package, which analyses log files. With all the enthusiasm, concerns emerge as well, at least in my own mind.

Google continue to spread their wings, assigning innovative projects to their highly talented and Internet-savvy staff. This time, for a change, Google penetrate information that only sites can retain, i.e. in-house data. In that sense, they benefit from inside information, which perhaps leads to unfair, unbalanced competition which puts privacy in greater jeopardy.

Google’s quick expansion frighens me; it passively becomes a Web monopoly. First they stole the thunder from Alex King’s FeedLounge and now it may be Jeff Veen’s Measure Map (among others like Mint). I volunteered to help both projects, so I have seen or can foresee Google’s impact on ‘mom-and-pop’ sites. I have mentioned this implicitly in:

It all develops into a scary situation as you can never fight or resist scale, no matter how ambitious you might be. Services integration is yet another major factor which elevates the brand. Google can finally take a deeper look that transcends the level of SERP‘s and will be able to see what MSN, Yahoo and the others are up to. Moreover, expect abuse of reports, e.g. fabricated (i.e. spam) statistics that attempt to enhance a site’s image, at least in Google’s perception.

Is it just me who is slightly apprehensive? Are all bases belong (sic.) to Google? Google Base, which was officially launched just a few hours ago, crops to mind. I mentioned its possible impact among my Google pet peeves.

Google Analytics, by the way, is said to provide no statistics as yet. Many people suggest that its state is dormancy. I am not sure if the service is overwhelmed by demand or perhaps it is still in beta, much like most services from Google.

Doctors Stampete for HIV Cure

A man was found to have cured himself of HIV, perhaps owing to his immune system. There appears to be no official confirmation, but doctors and researchers want the man for further tests. Understandably, the man declined the offers. The photo embedded in the BBC article rules out anonymity as a factor in his decision.

Doctors say they want to investigate the case of a British man with HIV who apparently became clear of the virus.

Andrew Stimpson, 25, was diagnosed HIV-positive in 2002 but was found to be negative in October 2003 by Chelsea and Westminster Healthcare NHS Trust.

African childrenThis came just a couple of days after I had watched Constant Gardener, which is a strong and emotional film involving AIDS in Africa. The film can be rather cold and depressing, so it is most-suited for the faint-hearted. My negative reaction is amplified by the fact that I watched drama/comedy types at the cinema one week beforehand, namely Thumbsucker and Broken Flowers .

Dell Redesign

Dell XPS
The new Dell XPS 600

DELL are trying to lure more customers using superficiality of looks. Dell have recently seen a sharp drop in earnings, particularly due to hardware repairs.

SAN FRANCISCO (Reuters) – Dell Inc. is trying to spice up its image — and turn around lagging sales growth — by shaking Apple Computer Inc.’s hold on hipness, but it may be tough to match its smaller rival’s flair.

Microsoft Use Linux Technology

Believe it or not, Microsoft decided to include Linux equipment in their network environmernt, as was reported last week.

The next time Bill Gates sends an e-mail through Microsoft’s shiny new Wireless LAN it will be passed through a behind-the-scenes Linux-based network appliance.


Pandey’s (senior director of Microsoft IT) appraisal of Aruba’s technology is in stark contrast to Microsoft’s “Get the Facts” rhetoric which places Windows as a more secure, and higher-performing choice over Linux.

I decided to take this a step further and compose a pseudo BBC article on Bill Gates’ full migration to Linux. Notice that the URL clearly contains the word ¨Amusement¨, which gives context and clarifies that all is cynicism, I hope.

Bill Gates
“Me loves me penguin…”

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