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Archive for the ‘TechBytes’ Category

TechBytes on GNU/Linux Gaming


Direct download as Ogg (1:03:24, 18.6 MB) | Direct download as MP3 (29.0 MB)

Summary: Tim and Roy speak about some recent news and discuss the world of GNU/Linux gaming

TODAY’S show was covering games for GNU/Linux and to some degree phones running Linux as well. We left our discussion about trolls and lobbying to tomorrow’s show and OpenBytes will have published the show notes by then (it’s late now in the UK).

RSS 64x64Today’s show ends with “Paper Gown” by Caroline Herring (from SXSW 2009 Showcasing Artists). We hope you will join us for future shows and consider subscribing to the show via the RSS feed. You can also visit our archives for past shows. If you have an account, consider subscribing to TechBytes in order to keep up to date.

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Ogg Theora
(There is also an MP3 version)

GNU/Linux Market and Mono – TechBytes Debate


Direct download as Ogg (1:12:39, 21.6 MB) | Direct download as MP3 (33.3 MB)

Summary: A few hot topics from the past few days are debated and we also make a mention of Mono proponents

TODAY’S show was a short one as it was not scheduled and erratic work schedule harmed our regular pace. Gordon was absent, but he will be back in the next show. OpenBytes has published the show notes just now.

RSS 64x64Today’s show ends with “Plastic Cans” by Underwater Tea Party. We hope you will join us for future shows and consider subscribing to the show via the RSS feed. You can also visit our archives for past shows. If you have an account, consider subscribing to TechBytes in order to keep up to date.

As embedded (HTML5):


Ogg Theora
(There is also an MP3 version)

Episode 18 on Google, Fog Computing, and Digital Freedoms


Direct download as Ogg (1:59:08, 36.1 MB) | Direct download as MP3 (54.5 MB)

Summary: After almost a week (due to absence) we return to covering and debating recent stories of relevance within our scope

TODAY’S show covers many topics ranging from Google’s new operating system to Microsoft’s slow death in the mobile space. OpenBytes has published the show notes containing some of the topics we ran through.

RSS 64x64Today’s show ends with “Devil’s Best Dress” by Cord Lund. We hope you will join us for future shows and consider subscribing to the show via the RSS feed. You can also visit our archives for past shows. If you have an account, consider subscribing to TechBytes in order to keep up to date.

As embedded (HTML5):


Ogg Theora
(There is also an MP3 version)


Wikileaks Opens Governments and Microsoft Falsely Says It’s Open


Direct download as Ogg (1:46:36, 40.1 MB) | Direct download as MP3 (48.4 MB)

Summary: Another ordinary episode with a lot of interesting topics and news

TODAY’S show is a mixed bag of GNU/Linux, antiquated law, computer games, and Microsoft pretending to be “open”. OpenBytes will publish the show notes very soon. We suffered from unusual connection difficulties which sometimes made the audio a little poor in terms of quality, but overall it should be easy to understand throughout.

RSS 64x64Today’s show ends with “Rock n’ Roll Hall of Fame”. We hope you will join us for future shows and consider subscribing to the show via the RSS feed. You can also visit our archives for past shows. If you have an account, consider subscribing to TechBytes in order to keep up to date.

As embedded (HTML5):


Ogg Theora
(There is also an MP3 version)

TechBytes Episode 16 Covers MVPs, Wikileaks, and GNU/Linux


Direct download as Ogg (1:18:53, 24.1 MB) | Direct download as MP3 (36.1 MB)

Summary: Issues of the day are debated and treated as something gentle to end a Wikileaks-filled news week with

TODAY’S show is the first show of this month. Rather than cover a lot of news we picked topics which we selected in advance all of for us to cover without preparation. This show is shorter than usual because it was recorded around midnight and OpenBytes will publish the show notes very soon.

RSS 64x64Today’s show ends with Tom Smith’s usual track. We hope you will join us for future shows and consider subscribing to the show via the RSS feed. You can also visit our archives for past shows. If you have an account, consider subscribing to TechBytes in order to keep up to date.

As embedded (HTML5):


Ogg Theora
(There is also an MP3 version)

Latest TechBytes Episode Covers Google’s GNU/Linux Distribution


Direct download as Ogg (1:15:32, 22.1 MB) | Direct download as MP3 (34.6 MB)

Summary: A mixture of news items with typical focus on operating systems and matters of transparency or scarcity

TODAY’S show in the 15th show in a month of 30 days. Rather than cover a special topic we cover a variety of news stories and have a debate about them. OpenBytes will publish our show notes soon.

RSS 64x64Today’s show ends with Tom Smith’s usual track. We hope you will join us for future shows and consider subscribing to the show via the RSS feed. You can also visit our archives which we plan to improve very soon as we register a domain name for the show and redo some graphics/intro. If you have an account, consider subscribing to TechBytes in order to keep up to date.

As embedded (HTML5):


Ogg Theora
(There is also an MP3 version)

Software Patents Debate in TechBytes


Direct download as Ogg (1:53:45, 32.6 MB) | Direct download as MP3 (52.1 MB)

Summary: This show concentrates on the smartphones market and in particular on how failing to compete based on technical merit alone, companies like Apple and Microsoft try to tax or ban their competition which is Linux based

TODAY’S show finally touches the issue of software patents. Tim’s site, OpenBytes, has published some show notes and we must apologise for connection issues that harmed the quality of this recording.

RSS 64x64Today’s show ends with “Pianist Envy” from Chilly Gonzales (at SXSW 2010 Showcasing Artists). We hope you will join us for future shows and spread the word if you enjoy this audiocast which is only a month old. Also consider subscribing to the show via the RSS feed and visit our archives. If you have an account, consider subscribing to TechBytes in order to keep up to date.

As embedded (HTML5):


Ogg Theora
(There is also an MP3 version)

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