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Posts Tagged ‘internet cafe’

Internet Cafe No Longer Honours Privacy?

EasyInternetCafe (354-358 Oxford Street, London) appears to have nice little spyware running on PCs in the Internet Cafe. Is this legal, ethical or safe? It’s now run under the brand name Swirl.

So here I was in an Internet Cafe in Oxford St. and all these applications were running on it. What do they do? What does it do for security? Is it just for users’ security or so-called ‘national security’ too? They already put keyloggers in India, so it would be shameful to find the same thing in the UK.

Here is what was running, ID information stripped off.

Name Rating PID CPU Memory Active File Type Start Title, Description Manufacturer : product
Remote Administrator v2.2 54% 472 C:\WINDOWS\system32\r_server.exe Program 20:32:15 Remote control tool – Server part : Remote Administrator
Windows Live Sign-in Assistant 46% C:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\Windows Live\WindowsLiveLogin.dll Internet when Internet Explorer starts WindowsLiveLogin.dll – IDBHO.IDBrowserExtension.1 (Browser Extension) Microsoft Corporation : Microsoft? Windows Live Login Helper
CafeAgent 3.49g 44% 1956 C:\Program Files\CafeAgent\CafeAgent.exe Program 19:32:07 SOFCIK : CafeAgent of CafeSuite
SpStart.exe 31% 1992 C:\Program Files\CafeSuite Recovery Module\1.0\SpStart.exe Taskicon 19:32:11 CafeSuite Recovery Module -
hkcmd Module 24% 1712 3.8 MB C:\WINDOWS\system32\hkcmd.exe Program 19:32:02 when Windows starts, Registry: Machine\Run HkWndName Intel Corporation : Intel(R) Common User Interface
PC Tools AntiVirus Engine 23% 256 C:\Program Files\PC Tools AntiVirus\PCTAVSvc.exe Program 20:32:12 PC Tools : PC Tools AntiVirus Engine
Surfovisor Client Service 21% 608 C:\Program Files\SurfovisorClient\Surfovisor.exe Taskicon 20:32:17 Surfovisor, Server PhaseFive AG : Surfovisor
Windows Live Sign-in Assistant 21% 3564 7.4 MB C:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\Windows Live\WLLoginProxy.exe Program 22:17:52 WLLoginProxy.exe Microsoft Corporation : Microsoft? Windows Live Login Helper
Windows User Mode Driver Manager 16% 672 C:\WINDOWS\system32\wdfmgr.exe Program 20:32:17 Microsoft Corporation : Microsoft? Windows? Operating System
CafeAgent 3.49g 6% 1792 15.6 MB 0:05 C:\Program Files\CafeAgent\CafeAgent.exe Program 19:32:03 when Windows starts, Registry: Machine\Run CafeAgent SOFCIK : CafeAgent of CafeSuite
Windows Explorer 0% 1516 21.3 MB 0:42 C:\WINDOWS\Explorer.EXE Program 19:32:01 My Documents, Volume Microsoft Corporation : Microsoft? Windows? Operating System
Internet Explorer 0% 1160 19.0 MB 0:01 C:\Program Files\Internet Explorer\IEXPLORE.EXE Program 22:17:50 from Windows Explorer Security Task Manager – Windows Internet Explorer Microsoft Corporation : Windows? Internet Explorer
PC Tools AntiVirus Client 0% 1720 1% 12.7 MB 0:04 C:\Program Files\PC Tools AntiVirus\PCTAV.exe Taskicon 19:32:02 when Windows starts, Registry: Machine\Run E1DB6607, PC Tools AntiVirus PC Tools : PC Tools AntiVirus Client
igfxTray Module 0% C:\WINDOWS\system32\igfxtray.exe Program when Windows starts, Registry: Machine\Run IgfxTray (not active) Intel Corporation : Intel(R) Common User Interface
Security Task Manager 0% 1124 8% 13.8 MB 0:19 C:\dell\Security Task Manager\taskman.exe Program 22:15:24 Security Task Manager A. & M. Neuber Software : Security Task Manager

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