Tagged Again: Seven Things You Don’t Know About Me
Filed under: by Roy Schestowitz at 1:01 am
Photo from around 1984
R. GLYN MOODY HAS JUST TAGGED ME, which means that I became a (flattered and willing) victim of an endless chain:
The rules that apply to those whom I tag are:
- Link to your original tagger(s) and list these rules in your post.
- Share seven facts about yourself in the post.
- Tag seven people at the end of your post by leaving their names and the links to their blogs.
- Let them know they’ve been tagged.
I last did this a couple of years ago, so I’ll reuse four and add three more.
- I never tie my shoes these days. Whether it’s sneakers or something more formal, I tie the laces just once and then use the shoes as though they were flip-flops.
- As s child, I wanted to play the trombone
- I worked at Burger King for a year (as a teenager)
- I nearly always use the computer while I eat
- I sometimes wonder if technology does more harm than good to us homo sapiens
- Nothing bores me more than lectures about knowledge that will never be applied for good cause. I fall asleep easily at such talks.
- I’ve begun abstaining from many things that emit radiation, no matter what self- or corporation-appointed scientists say about the long-term impact
I pass on this chain to: