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Posts Tagged ‘video’

CNBC and Cramer Busted (Video)

Video Questioning Power

This is part 9 of a 10-part mashup which is worth watching because it’s mind stimulating.

Edward S. Herman Interview

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Some countries’ policies, despite the will of the people, are shameful, much like the government. But people are too brainwashed by their elected ones too see it. Here is a new article on propaganda.

Time for Change?

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Slipping Through My Fingers

I watched the film Mamma Mia a couple of days ago with my 12-year-old sister. it was only then that I discovered this song, which dates back to older days — prior to my birth.

So, the song now reminds me of my little sister. I too will have children when I grow older, but the lyrics can be generalised to other family relationships.

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