Sunday, September 24th, 2006, 12:25 pm
Rough Life in Some Small Dive
The title of this post is a bend of the lyrics “I’ll live a lush life in some small dive” from the song Lush Life, which is among my personal favourites. Why did I choose it? Because it radically contrasts what I’ll discuss here.
When I go out clubbing, I like to experience change. Going out is about breaking a routine. Sometimes I go to rougher places where I can get my mouth dirty rather than a posh bar or a so-called gentelemen’s club (or anything akin to it). The type of people whom I meet is fascinating and at times even inspiring. It gives a nice break from the ordinary and otherwise banal life.
When it comes to literature, on the other hand, I don’t fancy quite the same contrast. Frankly, I no longer follow sports and ‘celebrity’ news. I don’t read tabloid either. Some days ago I received another request for my address, for a free preview (prerelease) of a book. The last time I turned down the offer, but friends argued it was silly. In hindsight, I should have probably accepted the offer that was there. It was a book packed with sophistication. This time for a c change, the book appears to be tabloid-style, with sheer disdain for George Bush.