Saturday, September 10th, 2005, 4:04 am
Windows Vista Hogs Resources
Flush the full capacities of the hardware…
…or throw away money purchasing a new computer
Details about demanding system requirements in Windows Vista are unveiled in an item from
CPU: Threading is the main target for Vista. Currently, very little of Windows XP is threaded…
RAM: 2GB is the ideal configuration for 64-bit Vista, we’re told.
Display: Prepare to feel the red mist of rage – no current TFT monitor out there is going to support high definition playback in Vista.
The worrisome hardware requirements were mentioned previously in an item titled Vista Perils. To be more impartial, Jaguar/Tiger are said to be resource hogs as well. It is primarily due to animations and transparent widgets, at the bottom of which there is on-the-fly indexing of data. Likewise, KDE (Linux window manager) can be computationally-expensive if customised to behave this way.