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Friday, March 17th, 2006, 10:01 am

Rise of the Zombies

ONCE again, a timely article that covers zombies (and so-called “bot armies”) — these which are being used to carry distributed denial of service (DDOS) attacks — fails to point out an important and crucial fact. It is only Windows computers that get hijacked en masse as part of extortion schemes. Snippet from the article lies below:

A new kind of denial-of-service attack has emerged that delivers a heftier blow to organizations’ systems than previously seen DOS threats, according to VeriSign’s security chief.

Not even once did the author mention the culprit. This is the third such article I come across which neither includes the word “Windows”, nor does it allude to “Microsoft” in any way. Fortunately, CNET give the E-mail address of the author, so I voiced a complaint. I still get hammered by about a thousand Windows zombies a day, which costs bandwidth. As yet, there is no sign of abatement.

I am aware that most CNET readers are using Windows, so might behave defensively and demand respect for the platform. I am also aware that the Windows EULA forbids such criticisms. Nevertheless, I think the article is flawed.

Here’s my response to the author:

I am somewhat appalled that in your article, much like in many similar articles, the main culprit is not even mentioned. All zombies are Windows. I happen to have strong feelings about this because my site has been attacked since September. The BBC are yet the only ones to have mentioned Windows in this context.

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