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Archive for March, 2006

Exploitation in Society

Minimal menuIn line with my recent inclusion of personal philosophy:

I try quite hard never to eat outside my house.

The intent is to minimise exploitation of others through labour.

Perhaps I simply dislike the notion of “classes” in society.

Without restaurants, you see, people would do what they have passion for.

Many waiters, waitresses, cooks (not chefs), and cashiers seem unhappy.

People at a production-line fast food kitchen feel imprisoned.

I would know because I worked at Burger King for a year.

I still believe that many of us could cater for our own culinary needs.

Having let my opinion be heard, I feel quite relieved, so thanks for reading.

Sidal, timely note: I am beginning to feel that I would rather blog about personal opinions at the expense of news items and some daily ‘geekery’ of mine.

Linux Experience Spreads

Season of the playful penguins
Season of the playful penguins from Oyonale

LINUX is spreading exponentially, or is at least nearing that pace. But how does the expansion work or what is it based upon?

One person learns Linux, thereby acquiring experience and knowledge (not necessarily expertise). It is a self-taught approach which involves a valuable learning curve. In turn, parents the friends, among other parties, get exposed and that ‘Linux knowledge’ is passed on. Colleagues form a more positive mental image — that which breaks preconceptions as to what Linux looks like (no bug-riddled applications and command-line stereotypes). That impression is then passed on, it propagates.

Knowledge is power. The ability to support the operating system of peers makes Linux adoption like an avalanche going down the hill. Knowledge and familiarity only needs that flame that lights it up and starts the domino effect. Linux will spread like fire as soon as it gains steady inertia. It is only a question of momentum and we are on the cusp of significant changes.

Spam Varieties

Junk mail

SPAM is everywhere. It comes in different flavours and the way to chew it varies as well. This essay is not about meaty cuisine, but rather about the plague of the electronic age. Anywhere one has an opportunity to gain, spam will prevail. Several days ago, the MATLAB Web site got flooded by endless spam and many innocent contributers got false E-mail notifications, me included.

Spam should not be attributed to and associated with just E-mail. An initiative by AOL at al. to eradicate spam through taxation has most recently been criticised harshly. Genuine mailers begin to suffer financially, to make matters worse than the need to purge spam. This morning it took me approximately half an hour only to purge spam. As for the impact spam has on my life, I continue to tolerate spam through:

  • E-mail
  • Forum subscriptions with site addresses
  • Forum messages
  • Guestbook entries
  • WordPress comments
  • WordPress trackbacks
  • PHP-Nuke links
  • PHP-Nuke news submission
  • Wiki
  • Referrer spam
  • Zombie attacks

I have set up cleanup/purging cycles in my schedule, with frequency dependent on severity. The chores at hand are still a very time-consuming activity and it gets worse by the day. I recently had a fierce argument over someone who used to comment spam. This involved someone who was possibly in cahoot with the spammer. Some spammers deserve a death penalty. If not practised law, then at least as an effective deterrent. Related item: WordPress Comment Spam Prevention

My Sister and Microsoft

OEVR the past few years I have grown closer to my older sister. We have always gotten along just fine. She is a wonderful person, yet sometimes ideaology gets in the way. Allow me to elaborate if I may.

We are both computer scientists, but she insists on using Windows. She has never tried anything else and her job involved programming for that platform. This observation was the next worse thing to me realising that had gone to interviews at Microsoft. She did that once several years back and once again more recently. If she worked for the ‘dark forces’, that could possibly lead to tension between us. I sure hope that the prospective employer and recruiters ‘Googled’ (or MSN’d) her name to discover she comes from a ‘wrong neighbourhood’. Her brother is a stubborn Linux advocate, though it may be irrelevant altogether.

Childhood photos with family
Bottom-right, from left to right: Me, my father and my sister in our younger days (click for full-sized version but beware: 1.3 MB JPEG)

Linux Humour

Roy loves SuSE

COMPARING computers a human:

SuSE is rather hard to get, but others say she likes everyone and is rather easy.

Interpretation: SuSE (Linux distribution, can be pronounced “Suzie”) is rather hard to get (5 ISO‘s to burn), but others say she likes everyone (hardware) and is rather easy (to use).

Related item: Linux Chauvinism

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