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Wednesday, April 21st, 2021, 5:20 pm

Message of Concern About AstraZeneca (Which Now Renames Its Products to Dodge Bad Reputation)

I am not against vaccination, I am definitely a strong proponent of vaccines, and am vaccinated almost since birth, myself (all the typical vaccines). But I also recognise the importance of making informed decisions where choices do exist and a word of caution is warranted. Self-censorship rarely makes society safer and we can develop herd immunity to misinformation, we should not be resistant to humble stories of real people.

Today I caught up with an old friend. He’s actually not old at all. We met in person again. He is a kind and gentle cop over here and he is about my age, i.e. late thirties.

Two months ago he got vaccinated along with colleagues at the Sport City near Etihad/City Stadium. He and 13 colleagues were given, under some pressure, the AstraZeneca jab (time was almosy running out for these). Up until then he visited homes — well, as part of his work as a policeman — and had no real issues. He walked around with a sanitiser and masks. He felt OK. He felt reasonably safe.

Then the jab came and ‘knocked him out’. Violently ill for a week. 4 days just in bed. A week unable to function. As it turns out, all his colleagues got ill too, also with the very same symptoms. Only one did not get ill, so that’s 1 out of 14. Their ages range from 22 to 50, i.e. not fatal or lethal age range for many with the potential of contracting (and possible then passing) COVID. 8 out of 14 were under 30.

But wait, it gets worse. My friend now refuses to take followup jabs and regrets taking the first one. He says he has since then contracted the flu easily, which he didn’t before. Flu wasn’t an issue before that. And now he has chronic respiratory problems, even 2 months down the line. He never had that before. It’s not going away. He wakes up at night unable to breathe. He is my age and just one jab of AstraZeneca did this to him. That was around the time concerns about blood clots was already becoming a thing, then building up in the press. Then orders were canceled, then the notorious renaming campaigns.

AstraZeneca is in trouble. Don’t let it add trouble to your life too. Just because the products change name won’t mean increased safety but covert introduction to unsuspecting recipients.

He and his colleagues, all except one, were so ill they could not do the police service or open the station. They went back home. Service at risk. Essential service.

This is a real story from a person I deem trustworthy and truthful. I’d also add that this is about one particular vaccine. Others might be OK. Many exist already and long-term tests have been limited, with media keeping tight-lipped at times. AstraZeneca still hasn’t explained what happened in South Africa last year. AstraZeneca isn’t being honest, and hardly even transparent with its shareholders/stakeholders.

I am just publishing this information not as opponent of vaccination but as a person who simply cannot trust AstraZeneca. It’s about AstraZeneca, not vaccination in general.

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