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Archive for January, 2022

New Lows for BBC Misinformation: People Who Die of COVID-19 Aren’t Really Dying of COVID-19 (Updated)

Related: BBC is Not on the Same Planet as Us | Bill BC (Bill Gates-Bribed BBC) Lies About COVID-19 Data, Again…

This weekend (deaths are 45 percent up in the past week alone):

Deaths are 45 percent up

BBC’s face-saving propaganda for Tories (and evidence of vaccination strategy being insufficient, necessitating another wintertime lockdown):

What’s really going on with Covid deaths data?

Excess mortality is already confirmed in England for the last week of the year 2021 and hospitalisations have soared. BBC is COVID denier.

Update: BBC right now is something along the lines of, we don’t like the numbers, so please disregard the numbers.

BBC: ignore the infections

BBC gone “full Borisnaro”. Next to it right now is a story which normalises “herd immunity”, a.k.a. defeatism.

BBC is Not on the Same Planet as Us (Updated)

BBC spin

Update (15/1/2022): Under “top stories” right now, some cherry-picked weekend data for manufactured optimism — all this while death toll soars to worst in nearly a year:

Cherry-picked stats

Also this morning:

BBC endgame

So the headline (from today, top story) speaks of “Endemic Covid” (downgrading it). “Is the pandemic entering its endgame?” Endgame? Seriously??? It’s no chess, deaths have peaked again. This sort of optimism-themed propaganda helps nobody. It gives false expectations.

Uncomfortable Facts: The UK’s COVID-19 Hospital Occupancy More Than Doubled in Just 10 Days, Based on NHS Data (Updated)

We’re at a similar point now to December 17th of last winter while the government — in its latest face-saving moveunderplays the severity and urgency of the latest variants:

UK hospital use

You can see January 2022 on the far right (above). First few days shown.

As per the official figures*:

06-01-2022	18,454
05-01-2022	18,015
04-01-2022	17,311
03-01-2022	16,325
02-01-2022	15,140
01-01-2022	14,508
31-12-2021	14,187
30-12-2021	13,170
29-12-2021	11,985
28-12-2021	10,942
27-12-2021	9,788
26-12-2021	8,770

Compare to last winter:

18-12-2020	19,117
17-12-2020	18,970
16-12-2020	18,671
15-12-2020	18,216
14-12-2020	18,246
13-12-2020	17,538
12-12-2020	16,909

* Daily count of confirmed COVID-19 patients in hospital at 8am, and 7-day rolling average. Data from England, Northern Ireland, Wales and Scotland may not be directly comparable as data about COVID-19 patients in hospitals are collected differently. Data are not reported by each nation every day. The UK figure is the sum of the 4 nations’ figures and can only be calculated when all nations’ data are available.

Update: Belatedly, NHS just caught up with the missing dates (about an hour ago, adding about 3 missing days). Here are the latest numbers:

10-01-2022	19,828
09-01-2022	19,056
08-01-2022	18,619
07-01-2022	18,697
06-01-2022	18,527
05-01-2022	18,064
04-01-2022	17,345
03-01-2022	16,356
02-01-2022	15,167
01-01-2022	14,533
31-12-2021	14,207
30-12-2021	13,184
29-12-2021	11,998
28-12-2021	10,952
27-12-2021	9,795
26-12-2021	8,776

So in two weeks or in 15 days, the UK’s COVID-19 hospital occupancy increased from 8,776 patients to 19,828 patients.

Breakdown UK Deaths (COVID and Non-COVID)

Source: UK government

Deaths in UK: breakdown

NHS Data Shows That UK ‘Freedom Day’, a PR Stunt of UK Conservatives, Was a Costly Mistake

Related: Mass infection is not an option: we must do more to protect our young

From the official NHS data: (annotated for improved clarity)

Hospitalisations linked to COVID-19

England and Wales: Deaths Per Month Charted

Quick and effective way to respond to so-called ‘COVID deniers’ (who think that nothing exceptional happened).


The numbers:

May 21 37,864
Apr 21 41,513
Mar 21 48,624
Feb 21 58,767
Jan 21 73,315
Dec 20 56,614
Nov 20 51,330
Oct 20 46,296
Sep 20 42,500
Aug 20 37,187
Jul 20 40,780
Jun 20 42,624
May 20 52,374

Imagine how worse if would have been if no lock-downs were imposed.

By week:

Week	        Weekly 	Average
19 Nov 21	12,103	10,350
12 Nov 21	12,050	10,331
5 Nov 21	11,550	9,891
29 Oct 21	10,987	9,759
22 Oct 21	11,308	9,865
15 Oct 21	11,177	9,811
8 Oct 21	10,807	9,555
1 Oct 21	10,510	9,377
24 Sep 21	10,684	9,264
17 Sep 21	11,009	9,306
10 Sep 21	11,035	9,182
3 Sep 21	8,797	8,241
27 Aug 21	10,268	9,157
20 Aug 21	10,013	9,085
13 Aug 21	10,372	9,102
6 Aug 21	10,187	9,036
30 Jul 21	10,135	9,052
23 Jul 21	9,744	9,093
16 Jul 21	9,697	9,250
9 Jul 21	9,752	9,183
2 Jul 21	8,808	9,293
25 Jun 21	8,690	9,404
18 Jun 21	9,459	9,417
11 Jun 21	10,204	9,977
4 Jun 21	7,778	8,171
27 May 21	9,628	9,940
21 May 21	9,860	10,188
14 May 21	10,164	9,576
7 May 21	7,986	9,941
30 Apr 21	9,692	10,458
23 Apr 21	9,941	10,497
16 Apr 21	10,428	10,520
9 Apr 21	9,098	10,305
2 Apr 21	8,201	10,130
26 Mar 21	10,045	10,573
19 Mar 21	10,311	11,205
12 Mar 21	10,987	11,498
5 Mar 21	11,592	11,183
26 Feb 21	12,614	11,548
19 Feb 21	13,809	11,627
12 Feb 21	15,354	11,925
5 Feb 21	17,192	12,206
29 Jan 21	18,448	12,760
22 Jan 21	18,676	13,216
15 Jan 21	18,042	13,822
8 Jan 21	17,751	12,175
1 Jan 21	10,069	7,954

Pre-pandemic, excess deaths, per week:

Week	2018	2019	2020	2021
Week 47	-93	758	2,155	1,753
Week 46	89	424	1,904	1,719
Week 45	148	555	1,481	1,659
Week 44	-163	387	996	1,228
Week 43	2	347	980	1,443
Week 42	262	430	669	1,366
Week 41	138	322	143	1,252

Although the government barely releases any new hospitalisation-related numbers (almost none since Christmas), some have put the numbers together and show that in January 2nd 2021 there were 2829 hospitalisations in England compared to 1971 in January 2nd 2022, i.e. three days ago.

Hospitalisations related to COVID-19

Hospitalisations related to COVID-19 are soaring again.

2 Years of Pandemic

About 2 Years Ago, in 2020, Everything Suddenly Changed

IT was not exactly planned that this blog (or “Web log” as I’ve called it since 2004) would publish so much on the issue of COVID-19. It just happened to be the case, especially because of the profound impact of this pandemic, and moreover because I don’t wish to put my personal views on this divisive topic in a site like Techrights or Tux Machines. I believe everything I’ve said and shown here was factual; some of it pointed out obvious misinformation from the mainstream media, a hypocritical instrument of projection (demonising those who dissent against a partly misleading or incomplete narrative). The corporate press isn’t lying all the time, but it habitually incites and this probably constitutes what politicians and social control media giants may deem “hate speech”. In any event, earlier today I posted about 130 photographs from our ‘Battle Station’ and ‘Corona Times’. My wife and I both work from home (we had worked from home long before the epidemic/pandemic even broke out), so the impact on us was almost minimal; the main impact was on our gym-going and the occasional visit to the nearby stadium (Manchester City Stadium).

Here's your coronaRelative to stories that I hear, we’re very fortunate. Staying at home even more time than before means that we can have more quality time, cook better, and so on and so forth. The photos that we uploaded today span about 2 years and maybe they tell a bit of a story. We try not to give away or give up on our privacy, but these photos received ‘clearance’ from both Rianne and I.

Happy new year! Let’s hope things will settle some time soon (I think it can take a couple more years).

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