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Archive for March, 2022

UK Data: Over 17,000 in Hospital With COVID-19 and the Number Only Rises

ALMOST APRIL already and it has been 2 years since lock-downs began here in the UK. The numbers of COVID-19-linked deaths are higher this week than they were the same week in 2020. Going by the official government figures…

Yesterday the NHS reported 16,975 people in hospital with COVID-19. The number continues to climb each day. The last time we saw a decrease was almost 3 weeks ago:

23-03-2022 16,975
22-03-2022 16,760
21-03-2022 16,350
20-03-2022 15,565
19-03-2022 15,113
18-03-2022 15,046
17-03-2022 14,816
16-03-2022 14,375
15-03-2022 14,210
14-03-2022 13,705
13-03-2022 12,954
12-03-2022 12,578
11-03-2022 12,267
10-03-2022 12,099
09-03-2022 11,907
08-03-2022 11,798
07-03-2022 11,479
06-03-2022 11,007
-> 05-03-2022 10,862
04-03-2022 10,864
03-03-2022 10,670
02-03-2022 10,818

Deaths have increased 22.2% in the past week alone:

24-03-2022 165
23-03-2022 194
22-03-2022 250
21-03-2022 169
18-03-2022 126
17-03-2022 138
16-03-2022 153
15-03-2022 200
14-03-2022 135
11-03-2022 114
10-03-2022 142
09-03-2022 123
08-03-2022 212
07-03-2022 139
04-03-2022 110
03-03-2022 194
02-03-2022 74
01-03-2022 194

Take the median or sliding average to see the increase, in spite of the NHS altering the definitions to make the numbers seem smaller than they really are.

In terms of the number of new cases, it seems to be the worst Thursday since January.

Two Years After COVID-19 Paralysed the UK (Lockdowns Initiated) Number of Hospitalisations Approaching What It Was 2 Years Ago

COVID-19  2 years later

Deaths reported 23-03-2022: 194 linked to COVID-19
Deaths reported 22-03-2022: 250 linked to COVID-19
Deaths reported 21-03-2022: 169 linked to COVID-19

Deaths reported 23-03-2020: 76 linked to COVID-19
Deaths reported 22-03-2020: 36 linked to COVID-19
Deaths reported 21-03-2020: 58 linked to COVID-19


And cases are still on the rise:

COVID-19 cases rising again

20 Days After Leaving Twitter It’s All Nice and Quiet

Goodbye, Twitter

I’ve underestimated how nice it is not to be bothered by notifications. Yes, I’ve quit more than just Twitter and things are a lot more pleasant now. WOULD RECOMMEND.

United Kingdom: COVID-19 Patients in Hospital Highest Number in a Month, Deaths Highest in 1.5 Months, and More Than Half a Million Infected Per Week

UK cases of COVID-19: still high, still killing almost 1,000 Brits per week

UK cases of COVID-19

COVID-19 in the United Kingdom: Almost a Quarter Million Confirmed Infections Reported Today (Worst Since First Week of January)

UK blackened
Last Monday

UK blackened
This Monday

With over 15,000 COVID-19 patients in hospitals and over 2,000 new hospitalisations per day let’s remember that COVID-19 is still right here, right now. Yes, not just in wintertime.

The number of new cases speaks for itself.

I’ve just left the house and got back within less than an hour. I went around town. A lot of people aren’t wearing masks — barely anyone still does — and they wrongly assume that getting infected won’t be doing any real damage. This is a dangerous and erroneous assumption. I know this from people whom I personally speak to and have been infected.

The Borisnaro regime is a bunch of COVIDiots, who put the interests of the “business class” ahead of everybody else’s.

Using Russia and Ukraine to change the subject is becoming an outdated tactic by now. It’s likely that Russia and Ukraine will negotiate for a ceasefire to be reached. You cannot negotiate ceasefires with infectious viruses. They attack again and again. Being infected does not mean “being done with it”…

UK: Highest Number of COVID-19 Hospitalisations in Nearly 2 Months, Over 20,000,000 Infections (Updated)

20,000,000 Infections

A daily update is likely to follow for weeks to come. This is an important subject because the regime of Borisnaro wants to just “wish away” coronavirus with its latest variants, as if when we “ask nicely” or “act tough” it will magically disappear.

But viruses do not work this way. Maybe Borisnaro thinks it’s OK for everyone to just get infected. Over and over again (like some of my colleagues). That’s just a radical, not just misguided, ideology/approach.

Yesterday’s report reveals highest number since 26-01-2022. There are now over 14,000 COVID patients in hospitals, compared to about 10,000 before restrictions were lifted and safeguards discarded. In terms of cases, we’re seeing the highest levels in about 2 months as well.

Update: Today we had 90,349 more cases confirmed, so it is the worst Friday in months. The latest number of hospitalisations (17-03-2022) rose to 14,671 (net increase of more than 400 in one day; up from 14,264) and the latest admissions figure (14-03-2022), 1,900, is the worst in 2 month.

Worst COVID-19 Week in More Than 2 Months in the United Kingdom!

A REAL WAR is happening, but the war on a pandemic has been put on the back-burner as if the newer war (in Ukraine) somehow ‘supersedes’ it.

New COVID-19 cases reported so far this week in the UK:

Today (Wednesday): 91,345
Tuesday: 109,802
Monday: 170,985

Bear in mind these figures include the weekend’s backlog as well (our regime has apparently decided that NHS no longer needs to report these every day, perpetuating the lie that it had solved the problem), I still need to go back to early January to find comparable numbers.

Even putting aside cases (and backlogs), let’s examine the data from hospitals. COVID-19 patients in hospital, by date:

15-03-2022: 14,078 (+481)
14-03-2022: 13,597 (+739)
13-03-2022: 12,858 (+366)
12-03-2022: 12,492 (+311)
11-03-2022: 12,181 (+161)
10-03-2022: 12,020 (+183)
09-03-2022: 11,837 (+101)
08-03-2022: 11,736

The rise is non-linear. The way things are going, there will need to be some restrictions on distance, mandatory masks etc. We’ve not solved the problem. The hospitals being filled up by COVID-19 patients isn’t just bad for old and vulnerable people with “underlying conditions” but for every person who may need a hospital bed, including young persons.

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