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Archive for March, 2022

Vladimir Putin Flirting With Genocide

Putin will try to murder him. He has not succeeded so far. Let’s hope he never will. It’s no laughing matter, but…

Can't touch me, Putin!

Reject Decades of Russophobic Propaganda

Stigma shapes perception


ALL sorts of “Bond” films have long created and then reinforced an image like the one shown above (that’s from a computer game, Street Fighter 2). We’re meant to think that Russians are violent brutes incapable of empathy, i.e. Vladimir Putin. But a lot of Russians openly condemn Putin and some do so in a more closeted fashion. Some don’t know what’s going on because of the propaganda and the censorship.

In these times of war please try to avoid the mainstream media. Both sides are government-connected propaganda. Such media does not strive to inform but to garner sypathy. It is intentionally spreading anti-Russian sentiments as if this is morally acceptable because of Putin et al. Russophobia is defined as “fear or dislike of Russia or Russian policy.” In my experience, this quickly turns into hatred of anyone who merely holds a Russian passport, was born in Russia, or has Russian ethnicity. This is racism. And if we don’t condone racism we’ll not tolerate media that promotes racism, either.

The Diaspora of JoinDiaspora

Export of joindiaspora

AS per this account, about 7 hours ago JoinDiapora was taken offline. To quote: “As announced in our announcement, the server migration is currently underway. Given the size of JoinDiaspora’s filesystem and database, this might take a couple of hours to complete. We’ll post an update when we’re done!”

The data transfer was far faster than I had anticipated. Only a few hours passed before they posted:

And JoinDiaspora is “back”! As we’ve announced, the pod will be available in a limited mode only from now on. As such, all features are disabled, including the ability to post new content. However, you still can:

Export your data and initiate the account migration as soon as it’s done.
Send and receive private messages.
Delete your account.
Manage your profile and account details.

You can try and request an export of your profile data now. However, if the export fails for you, please hesitate the urge to try it over and over again. If it fails once, it will not work on subsequent tries. If you request an export and it looks like it never completes, that’s also fine. We will look into why the exports are failing for some users, and we have to fix those issues on a case-by-case basis. This will take time.

So what’s expected to happen now, based on this page, which I quote in part:

I am currently not able to export my data. What will happen to my profile?

Some of you are currently unable to export your profile data. You might either see an error message, or it might look like nothing is happening at all. We are aware of this.

After the infrastructure migration is completed, we will start investigating the issues with account exports. Everyone who wants a data export will get one.

If you’re currently facing issues, please do not keep retrying the export over and over again. Please don’t use automated tools like scrapers to manually acquire a copy of your data. Doing so will only cause exessive server load, which only makes our work even harder.

As we don’t know what’s actually causing the export issues and how we can best fix them, this work will take some time. For each export, we have to observe its progress and intervene manually if errors arise.

We don’t know how long it will take, but everyone will get their account data exported.

There’s no ETA.

My plan isn’t to make a real comeback to social control media but to just set up bots that link to posts in Techrights and TuxMachines. No extra overhead that way. I very much doubt there’s an intention to configure the JoinDiaspora domain and change the code to preserve existing connections between accounts. This means that even a diaspora (mind the pun) from JoinDiaspora will be very much lossy.

Many thanks go out to the various people involved in this. It’s understandable that technical debt added up to the point where a ‘lifeboat’ approach is required. At least they try to offer us lifeboats.

Export of joindiaspora

Famine and Radiations as Weapons of War; Or: Nobody Will Win in Ukraine

People of Vinnytsia searching for relatives among the exhumed victims of the Vinnytsia massacre, 1937.

People of Vinnytsia searching for relatives among the exhumed victims of the Vinnytsia massacre, 1937. By Ukrainian American Youth Association – Crime of Moscow in Vynnytsia. Ukrainian Publication of the Ukrainian American Youth Association, Inc. New York. 1951, Public Domain. Via Great Purge.

ALONG with rape (of women and children), there are weapons of war that aren’t firearms. Massacres (like the above) are difficult for one’s eyes, but there are even uglier sights than these. Take Terror-Famine for instance. “More than 2,500 people were convicted of cannibalism during the Holodomor,” Wikipedia notes. There are references there, this one being the most prominent one albeit offline (but in the Wayback Machine).

Ukrainian people still remember (the oldest among them experienced it) what the Soviets did to them. Maybe some of the children shown below are even alive today (they would have to be almost 110 in age, at least for the older generation).

Starvation: Starvation/Holodomor

Soviet Genocide against Ukrainian people

Earlier today I wrote that a resolution, not a war, ought to be sought. Nobody wins in wars. Everyone loses. In the meantime, trafficking weapons to Ukraine is likely to perpetuate wars. Send supplies like food and medicine instead. Try to find a compromise like a ceasefire. Some of the sanctions accomplish nothing as they can further radicalise the Russian population, driven (like in Stockholm Syndrome) to sympathy with the dictator.

This conflict is just over a week old. If it doesn’t stop soon, it could end up killing millions. Stop the war. Stop it now. Don’t inflame it.

Putin Has Failed Russians and He Should Step Down Peacefully

Ukrainians are Russian? Yes, so I bomb them. Ukrainian cities are yours? Yes, so I wreck them.

THIS site or Weblog is usually more about technology and about scientific endeavors, not politics. But now we’re at risk of a Europe-wide if not worldwide conflict, maybe even nuclear conflict. Thus, “staying out of it” isn’t a tenable position.

I’ve made my position clear on the matter several times over this past week. Mr. Putin has moved on from caring about how the world views his stance on freedom of press and is now suppressing any media to guard what Russians think of Putin’s Russia and its war, no matter the consequences and irrespective of the freedom of the press.

This week I worry about Edward Snowden and what might happen to him in case the US (or EU) captures hostages. Snowden was all along just a high-profile “bargaining chip” of Putin.

The atrocities I read about in media that I trust (and that’s not a lot of media) are beyond the scope of this blog, but Russians I speak to loathe Putin and want him removed. They don’t agree with the war, they suffer greatly in spite of their opposition to Putin, and we need to put an end to it. Putin isn’t likely to step down (it’s just not his mindset), so one can hope that his compatriots at the higher echelons will dissent, rebel, and maybe remove him as part of a coup. This was attempted several times against Hitler. Putin can spare himself the risk by voluntarily stepping down. If only he actually cared about the Russian people, not just his big ego.

Maybe you should step down. Duh. Duh.

Another Chrenobyl But This Time Intentional?

Just moments ago:

Nuclear power plant on fire after Russian attack, says local mayor

You are learning fast, Vladolf Putler

In Case It’s Not Obvious Already…

I stand with Ukraine -

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