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Archive for June, 2022

Something We Did Not Have in Past Summers: a Summertime Surge of COVID-19

In wintertime yes, but not in summer also:

COVID-19 surge in summer

COVID-19 in England: Sharpest Rise, Highest Levels of Infection and Hospitalisation in Over a Month

Recent: COVID-19 in England: Testing Down to New Lows, But Cases and Hospitalisations Increase, Even in Summertime (Worst COVID Summer So Far


COVID rise in summer

FOR those who think we’re past the peak, remember we’re in summertime now. This summer is worse (more coronavirus cases and fatalities) than the summer of 2021 and the summer of 2020. More and more boosters have, at this point, become like placebos. Research into the matter concluded so at the end of last year. It was discovered that a fourth jab hardly improved anything.

Is COVID-19 going away?


Even the manipulated figures from our own government are unable to hide this anymore (despite record lows in testing, doctored definitions, optimistic miscounting, and media apathy).

Meanwhile, several of my colleagues got RE-infected (my mother had been RE-infected as well) and they take it quite hard. This is no seasonal flu, not even for those who got 3 or 4 jabs. This is different, but our government does not care anymore, due to business lobbying.

Go on then… go shopping, go on holidays. That money you spend goes back to the lobbyists.

Go out! Spread coronavirus!

Everything in Perspective

Coronavirus Celebrated Jubilee

COVID loves superspreader events

Jubilee and COVID-19

The above post-Jubilee COVID-19 figures were published a few hours ago. How predictable…

COVID-19 in England: Testing Down to New Lows, But Cases and Hospitalisations Increase, Even in Summertime (Worst COVID Summer So Far)

We tested far more people a year ago.

COVID-19 tests down

A large proportion tests positive. Many are rushed to hospitals and some die.

COVID-19 cases and escalations

Patients admitted to hospital, first week of June:


07-06-2022 577
06-06-2022 606
05-06-2022 531
04-06-2022 443
03-06-2022 404
02-06-2022 412
01-06-2022 480


07-06-2021 131
06-06-2021 121
05-06-2021 96
04-06-2021 96
03-06-2021 93
02-06-2021 101
01-06-2021 115


07-06-2020 323
06-06-2020 306
05-06-2020 380
04-06-2020 458
03-06-2020 491
02-06-2020 553
01-06-2020 522

So this summer we’re worse off than the same period in 2020.

Ramifications of Greed: The Bin is Not a Postbox and Mail Should Never be Delivered Into People’s Trashcans

For a while now I’ve noticed something that’s really not good. Heck, it’s very backwards, even disturbing. Years ago my wife sent a parcel and it ended up inside the recipient’s bin. It took days to get to the bottom of what had happened. It turned out, after many hours wasted, that the courier placed the parcel inside the bin. Not kidding! It was just sitting there for several days, deep inside a large garbage can!

This is part of a rather bad trend here, albeit I suspect the same has happened in other countries as well. The courier does not knock on doors, instead putting through the door a slip that says the parcel is “INSIDE THE BIN!” (Even the handwriting isn’t so legible, and not every person here can read English!)

What are the consequences of this practice? You can easily have it thrown away into a landfill. Incidentally, news reports said that Amazon had been sending returned items right into the landfills. This was seen as more “efficient” than properly handling “unwanted” but perfectly functional products, likely produced in hard-hitting sweatshops by hard-working people, maybe even kids (child labour is rampant in Indonesia for instance).

Lazy approaches of nihilists, pushed through with “cost-cutting” mindsets, are ruining the planet. And yet worse, they ruin the service! This harms both senders and recipients (I witnessed this firsthand one hour ago).

These UK couriers, who merely follow instructions from their managers, ought to understand that people’s BIN is NOT a mail box. It doesn’t specify this, either. It’s not designated a postbox. Don’t put any parcels inside bins. It’s not secure and periodically it gets emptied into garbage trucks.

People pay shipping fees for a service, not for you to dump objects of value into BINS. Worse yet, this practice will encourage petty thieves to go through your trash, making a mess in pursuit of treasures. This is the new “key under the doormat” lunacy.

Now, some cynic might say they try to knock on the door first, or try to ship to one’s neighbours. But no! They did not bother this time; all they had to do was knock on the door as both my wife and I had our headphones off for the entire day (9AM to 4PM) just in case they deliver and we need to hear knocking. These couriers love to underestimate the importance of the job. All for the sake of profit. They externalise the risk and the toll.

Today, fortunately, I only knew they came because I heard the mouth of the door opening for the slip to fall in. What if I hadn’t heard that?

With all the supposed “technological advancement” (wherein asking the client to become a till operator is considered “progress”) we only got worse. We’re worse off when Bezos et al (or in this case Royal Mail, the national courier) are playing ‘treasure hunt’ with things you already paid for.

This causes a lot of angst and anxiety. But what do they care? To them, it’s the “cost of doing business” and in case of a lost parcel you may have to spend hours chasing them before some sort of compensation gets issue at all. They’ve passed the burden and risk to the clients at both ends, the sender and the recipient.

Another rather important aspect is, bins are naturally dirty. That’s what they’re typically there for. In this case, today, Royal Mail left the parcel next to cat’s poo. And that says a lot about the quality of service. How was the delivery? Poo!

UK COVID-19 Status: We’ve Almost Stopped Testing, Death Figures Are 17 Days Behind

The page says it was last updated today, but watch how old the latest data is:


Who needs testing anyway, right? It only makes the regime look bad. Come on, Jubilee!


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