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Friday, April 14th, 2023, 3:59 pm

NOW: Pensions Has NOTHING to Say About Lying to Clients

No Pension from Macron

Summary: The previous crimes of Sirius ‘Open Source’ merit letters of assurance, which were already promised by three people at NOW: Pensions (including a manager); if no such letter can be provided, specify the reasons and explain why three people who work at NOW: Pensions made promises to two people (in vain, followed by more lies to cover up the original lies)

MANY people are speaking about pensions today. France is checking whether Macron did something unconstitutional by sentencing millions of people to two additional years of work in their 60s (not something they consented to in the past). However, the timing of this post is purely coincidental. It’s a Friday and I’ve not heard back for almost a week now from NOW: Pensions.

As a reminder, the company kept making contradictory promises (i.e. lies) or breaking promises, not honouring their own contracts, etc.

Here’s the full chain of correspondence with few redactions (names of their workers, including managers):

> Roy Schestowitz wrote on 08/04/2023 04:32:
>> Complaints now pensions support wrote on 05/04/2023 15:03:
>>> I hope this helps to settle your concerns regarding your NOW Pension
>>> fund, as you can see from the above, they have outlined how and who
>>> is responsible for protecting your pension savings and applies to all
>>> NOW Pensions members.
>> Hi,
>> Please send the full letter, as promised, to
>> 1) my wife
>> 2) myself
>> as promised by ????
>> as promised by ????
>> as promised by ?????
>> several times since February. We need this obligation in writing.
> I need an update on this. There are multiple complainants about the
> pension fraud. We need action, not stalling tactics. You behave like
> lawyers, not like a pension provider.
If you do not reply by the end of today (Friday), prepare the cheque for my wife and I to pick up next week at your office.

We are withdrawing all the money. You are a reckless, lying, untrustworthy company. You not only lied to me (3 different people, including managers) you also failed to reply to very simple E-mails about a dozen times.

Meanwhile the police and Action Fraud will be getting involved.

Well, it’s 5PM now on a Friday. They failed to respond. They saw my message. They just keep stalling and stalling. It’s the usual (for over 3 months already).

If this is the state of pensions in the UK (providers refusing to deal with open complaints and not responding to E-mails for weeks), then we need to talk about this. To make matters worse, as we shall show later today in a video, even when pension fraud occurs the pension providers care about nothing except how to avoid getting sued. Nothing else matters to them. They don’t even seem to mind the fraud so much; they profit from it by facilitating that.

Pensions were meant to actually protect the pots of money (capital), not to protect people who abuse pensions. Has the business model changed? If so, when?

In a sense, pension providers nowadays seem to be a lot like HR, i.e. they work only for employers, not for employees. They sometimes help employers plunder the oppressed employees. On that of that, they shield the employers by obstructing questions about the schemes, giving false assurances or simply ignoring/disregarding/closing complaints.

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