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UK COVID-19 Vaccination Statistics Partly Fabricated… Or…?

From the description (gist):

ONS vaccination data

In the UK by the end of August 2022, of those aged 12 years and over:

93.6% had received a first dose of a COVID-19 vaccine

88.2% had received a second dose

70.2% had received three or more doses

Therefore 6.4% of over 12s are totally unvaccinated

Weekly national Influenza and COVID-19 surveillance report

Week 41 report (up to week 40 data) 13 October 2022

(Page 74)

Cumulative data up to week 40 2022 (week ending 9 October 2022) was extracted from the National Immunisation Management Service (NIMS).

The vaccine uptake rate, aged 18 and over

82.5% for dose 1

79.7% for dose 2

65.8% for dose 3


Therefore 17.5% of over 18s are totally unvaccinated


Therefore 6.4% of over 12s are totally unvaccinated

Given that vaccination rates are lower in 12 to 18, as compared to over 18s,

We would expect the percentage of unvaccinated in over 12s to be higher.

So his discrepancy is even greater that it appears

Vaccine rates are lower between 12 to 18

(compared to over 18s)

Implications of the Office for National Statistics estimates of Covid-19 vaccine take up in England on the representativeness of its sample population

(October 2022)

Most recent vaccine mortality surveillance report the UK's Office for National Statistics (ONS),

estimated just 8% of adults in England were unvaccinated by the end of May 2022.

However, the ONS estimates are based on a special subset of the England population.

Other independent estimates for the whole of the population in May were higher:

the UK Health Security Agency (UKHSA) estimated 20%,

while a large independent survey by ICM found 26%.

Assuming the ONS estimate is correct for its subset of the England population,

and that the other independent estimates of between 20 and 26% for the whole population are also correct,

then between 69% and 99.6% of adults missing from the ONS sample are unvaccinated.

This would mean the ONS sample is unrepresentative of the whole England population and any conclusions about vaccine take-up,

efficacy and safety based on the ONS data may not be relevant to the population as a whole.

If the ONS is not underestimating the proportion of unvaccinated in its sample,

then we have shown that the sample is so unrepresentative of the whole population that any inferences made
about the vaccination programme using the ONS data are worthless.

Ireland’s Death (Mortality) Data: Deaths Not Slowing Down Since Pandemic’s Peak, Totals Still 11% Higher Than Pre-Pandemic

Ireland's death data

UPLOADED and shown at the bottom are the raw, official, unaltered datasets. All I changed was the format to make it an open standard. The data is from this official portal, last Updated: 24/08/2022 (see screenshot above).

We now have Q1 data for this year (nothing later than this has been made publicly available yet), so we can compare apples to apples.

2017 Q1: 9067
2018 Q1: 9278
2019 Q1: 8618
2020 Q1: 8674
2021 Q1: 9564
2022 Q1: 9535

That’s 917 more (this year) deaths than in 2019 (pre-pandemic) or 10.6% higher.

And here’s all the data as ODF files:

This is consistent with what we see in the UK. In the US it’s a lot worse.

CDC Data: US Deaths About 25% Higher This Winter Than Last Winter Before COVID-19 (Updated)

Latest data as ODF (via: By state and totals

Number of deaths 2018 and 2019:

2019 March 253,000
2019 February 232,000
2019 January 257,000

2018 December 249,000
2018 November 233,000
2018 October 234,000
2018 September 219,000
2018 August 224,000
2018 July 225,000
2018 June 220,000
2018 May 229,000
2018 April 233,000
2018 March 249,000
2018 February 237,000
2018 January 287,000

Compare to the ODF above (it goes up until March 2022)

January-March 2018: 287,000, 237,000, 249,000
January-March 2019: 257,000, 232,000, 253,000 (total: 742,000)
January-March 2021: 373,000, 282,000, 270,000
January-March 2022: 368,000, 288,000, 266,000 (total: 922,000)

922,000 is 24.2% more than 742,000.

Update: 2016 and 2017 figures show that compared to 2016 (202,000 deaths fewer than 2022) there is a 27.2% increase.

The numbers are:

January-March 2016: 246,000, 230,000, 244,000
January-March 2017: 263,000, 234,000, 251,000

The differences are profound.

An Australian COVID-19 Surge

Given this video and this data, it was interesting to see what proportion of Australian deaths can be connected to COVID-19 (in a mostly COVID-vaccinated population).

Causes of death this year:

Causes of death

COVID-19 deaths over the years:


Australia Reports 17.1% More Deaths Than the Historical Average Following the COVID-19 Wave, Let’s Look at the Data

After this video I’ve decided to look closely at the underlying data, which was put online a couple of weeks ago. I wanted to know how big an impact could be seen in younger people, knowing that COVID-19 mostly kills old people. At first I found this page:

Australia data

I then checked about a dozen pages there, but no actual data is being provided (like a download link). Disappointing.

But seems like the wrong place to check. is where the detailed data is. They released some new data along with a summary as follows:

Australia official

Sadly, they use proprietary Microsoft formats (foreign company that bribes and attacks standards), so I’ve converted all the files to ODF.

I’ve fused together past (historical) data with the first 6 months of this year and here’s what I found:

Aussie data sliced

Younger groups’ deaths data. Those are totals.

Younger groups' deaths data

The data sliced some more.

Demonstrating high number of deaths

Demonstrating high number of deaths.

Demonstrating high number of deaths

So it seems skewed towards more excess deaths among people over 45, but among the younger groups deaths have increased as well.


COVID-19 Waves Leave People Dying in Much Bigger Numbers

Published a short while ago.

Graph: Deaths Involving COVID-19 Increased in the UK

Published 4 hours ago:

Important visualisation:

COVID-19 deaths increasing

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