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Deaths Rose Sharply This September Compared to Prior Septembers (More Than 10% Higher Than in 2020)

Deaths across the UK are very concerning. We’ve not seen numbers like these before. I wrote about it at the start of this week because the trend isn’t limited to summer. The heatwaves cannot be blamed for it. It’s so bad that mortality in my age group rose 10% (yes, 10%!) and now have complete figures for September 2022 (update and released 2 days ago). This is what it looks like.

September 2018 deaths by week in England and Wales:

9,445 9,191 9,305 9,150

September 2019 deaths by week in England and Wales:

9,695 9,513 9,440 9,517

September 2020 deaths by week in England and Wales:

7,739 9,811 9,523 9,634

September 2021 deaths by week in England and Wales:

8,797 11,035 11,009 10,684

September 2022 deaths by week in England and Wales:

10,753 10,673 8,751 10,960

Sum for September per year (note: they break it down by week, not month)
2018: 37091
2019: 38165
2020: 36707
2021: 41525
2022: 41137

As charts:

Deaths bars

COVID-19 deaths

As spreadsheet (ODF): September deaths (with charts)

New COVID-19 Data for England: Cases Up 21%, Deaths Up 15% in a Week, Test Positivity Rate Soars to 10%

Only a ‘COVIDiot’ would say the pandemic is over


Despite fewer tests, things are getting worse

Despite fewer tests, things are getting worse.

COVID-19 Pandemic Not Over (More Cases This Past Summer Than Last Year In Spite of Fewer Tests)

International trend:

Pandemic not over

Pfizer Not Testing COVID-19 Vaccines Properly

How Social Control Media Blocked, Suppressed, and Defamed Medical Journals That Issued Legitimate Warnings

Published a few hours ago:

Of relevance:

World’s Leading Medical Journal (The Lancet) Slams Bill Gates for Supporting Tobacco Industry


Gates Foundation Pays the Lancet Journal — Now Distorts Academic Literature Too

Sharp Increase in England and Wales Deaths in 2022

Video download link | md5sum 5ba19e929c74a3510a3095eeb0569f9c
Sharp Increase in England-Wales Deaths
Creative Commons Attribution-No Derivative Works 4.0

THE video above explains my couple of blog posts prepared about COVID-19 today [1, 2]. It explains that deaths have sharply increased this year it’s not clear how to identify/explain the cause, only that there is a cause or causes.

ONS Data: Working Age Adults See 10% Rise in Mortality Between 2019 (Pre-COVID-19, January-September) and 2022 (Year to Present)

JUST to be clear, I wish to state upfront this post does not blame vaccines for anything. There are many different factors to consider, but the net effect is that a lot more people are dying than before. It’s like 10 times higher than the rate of population growth.

We’ve only just published (as ODF) sets of mortality figures from England and Wales. Here they are.

I’ve done some further analysis of the numbers, which I will revisit as more (newer) data comes in. Some will become available tomorrow, as noted before (“England and Wales Summertime Deaths in 2020 versus 2022 (Spoiler: About 1,500 More Deaths Registered Per Week in 2022″).

It’s widely known and generally recognised that COVID-19 mostly kills very old people, irrespective of gender and race (those factors play a role, but age is the most common factor).

So how many people died before and after COVID-19 infections, vaccinations, and lock-downs?

I’ve studied the data carefully and found that in January till mid September, for ages 15-44, the total deaths were:

10,404 in 2019
11,384 in 2022

For ages 45-64: (much higher risk group)

45,296 in 2019
49,424 in 2022

The cutoff I’ve chosen for September is me being GENEROUS in FAVOUR of 2022 (i.e. making the numbers in 2022 look smaller for the analogous period), so assuming the numbers published were daily rather than weekly it would be about 10% difference for both age ranges.

These numbers are very big and death is not “subjective”, so the statistical dataset is of high quality.

I’ve intentionally left out 2020 and 2021 because of massive spikes in deaths. If the number of deaths is about 10% higher after 2021 (compared to before 2020) and government statistics say those deaths in 20222 are barely due to COVID-19, then something else is killing a lot more working age adults than before. To say that COVID-19 is no longer a pandemic is truly insane. We’ve not solved the problem. 6,000 more people cannot reach their pension age (and that’s just for January-September). So it’s not only an “old people’s problem”.

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