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In 2022, to Date, British Deaths Massively Increased Compared to the Prior Year


GETTING complete data from our government is like drawing blood from a rock, so I spent some time chasing and gluing together bits of data.

The data is scattered, so it takes a lot of effort pulling all the figures and then comparing apples to apples (not oranges).

The NHS/ONS are sadly using Microsoft formats and outsourcing to JavaScript (spyware; likely GDPR violations) sites controlled by Microsoft. Below the figures the reader can find all the data in an open format (I’ve converted it). Yes! All the underlying data is included as OpenDocument Format (ODF) below. In the public interest, making it more accessible.

Here’s the objective number of deaths in 2022 (by week):

10 Jun 2022 11,742
17 Jun 2022 10,844
24 Jun 2022 10,836
1 Jul 2022 10,357
8 Jul 2022 10,232
15 Jul 2022 10,515
22 Jul 2022 10,978
29 Jul 2022 11,013
5 Aug 2022 10,698
12 Aug 2022 10,355
19 Aug 2022 10,982
26 Aug 2022 10,942
2 Sep 2022 8,868
9 Sep 2022 10,753
16 Sep 2022 10,673

From what can be gathered, based on another dataset, in 2021 the numbers were a lot lower:

Week 25 8,591
Week 26 8,699
Week 27 9,569
Week 28 9,479
Week 29 9,417
Week 30 9,731
Week 31 9,660
Week 32 9,801
Week 33 9,443
Week 34 9,600
Week 35 8,138
Week 36 10,178
Week 37 10,158
Week 38 9,796
Week 39 9,727

So about 1,000 more people die each month this year (compared to last year, which was also a “COVID year”).



1. UK government
2. ONS

COVID-19 Positivity Rate Soaring in England Even Before October

The surge starts earlier this year than in prior years.

Weekly number of people receiving a PCR test and positivity

Data up to September 26th (not even October yet), based on yesterday’s latest data. By now it must be approaching 10%.

On the same date last year the rate was 6.8% and 2 years ago it was 3.2%.

Latest COVID-19 Data: Back to 10,000 Patients in English Hospitals (Double What It Was Last Year, 3+ Times Worse Than 2020)

COVID-19 September-October hospital

Patients with COVID-19 in hospital as of 05-10-2022: 9,631
Patients with COVID-19 in hospital as of 05-10-2021: 5,009
Patients with COVID-19 in hospital as of 05-10-2020: 2,903

NHS: After Worst Summer Ever We Release Data Weekly, Not Daily Anymore (and Scotland Stops Reporting). Now: Cannot Even Release Every Week!

They has an entire week to prepare for this!

Late NHS

So one hour late. At least…

ONS Data: In May (Latest Data Available) COVID-19 Killed 149 Brits Who Turned Down COVID-19 Vaccines, 1,439 Who Received Such Vaccines

Just saying what the data shows (to better assess efficacy, based on data rather than what pharmaceutical companies advertise in the media):

COVID-19 May 2022

Data as OpenDocument Format (ODS)

References: Latest Dataset from Deaths involving COVID-19 by vaccination status, England: deaths occurring between 1 January 2021 and 31 May 2022

Disclaimer: This isn’t a rejection of vaccines, just an effort to understand the efficacy of the COVID-19 vaccine used in the UK (typically from AstraZeneca, which basically privatised publicly-funded work).

Clarification: The numbers above show that most deaths impact old age groups; among those, vaccination rate was high, so the big gap in numbers isn’t telling the full story.

Efficacy Declining Due to Bad COVID-19 Policy (a Do-Nothing Attitude)

“Some 1.1 million people in private households tested positive for coronavirus in the latest survey, which covers the seven days to 17 September in England and the week to 20 September in the other three nations, according to the Office for National Statistics (ONS).”UK ‘blind’ to new immune-evasive Covid variants creating ‘perfect storm’ for devastating wave

COVID-19 variant efficacy

Also see: Covid infections on the rise in the UK

Rise in Covid hospital patients shows ‘winter wave’ has begun

Some anecdotal remarks today:

Almost 3 Years After Breakout, 208,000 British Deaths Linked to COVID-19

208k Deaths COVID-19

And hospitalisations grow like never before.

2022: (until latest available data for England)

28-09-2022 7,024 in hospital
27-09-2022 6,758
26-09-2022 6,439
25-09-2022 6,045
24-09-2022 5,773
23-09-2022 5,604
22-09-2022 5,366
21-09-2022 5,142


28-09-2021 5,126 in hospital
27-09-2021 5,121
26-09-2021 4,949
25-09-2021 5,100
24-09-2021 5,036
23-09-2021 5,214
22-09-2021 5,406
21-09-2021 5,543


28-09-2020 1,955 in hospital
27-09-2020 1,793
26-09-2020 1,689
25-09-2020 1,686
24-09-2020 1,546
23-09-2020 1,439
22-09-2020 1,378
21-09-2020 1,299

The current policy isn’t working. People are ill and they get poor (there’s also Long “COVID-19″, which few wish to speak about). As someone noted: “as of Monday, Labour were polling 17 points ahead of the Conservative (per YouGov). That was bad enough, but by Thursday 29th, a new poll gave Labour a stunning 33 point lead in the polls as Conservative voter support imploded. It seems that tanking the currency, the pension system, the housing market, and the national debt in just one week is slightly unpopular. Who could possibly have seen that coming?”

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