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Archive for the ‘Health’ Category

Our New Unelected Queen is Liz Trump (TruSS), Selected Undemocratically by About 1 in 1,000 Brits (0.1%)

We have our own “orange one” now… and she is also a flamboyant ‘COVIDiot’


The stats don't support my policy

Queen Elizabeth II Dies at 96 After a Series of Health Issues

Memes: Homelander

Reference: Queen Elizabeth II Dies at 96 After a Series of Health Issues

Facts (like COVID-19 science) do not interest TruSSmp.

COVID-19 Positivity Rates Rising Again This Month

As per the latest data (from this past Thursday):

COVID-19 positive rate

Autumn and winter arriving… this past summer was the most deadly COVID-19 summer to date.

COVID-19 kills people? I don't care

They just silently (no advance notice) stopped issuing these reports 2 months ago when there was a COVID-19 surge. As if the goal was to ‘pacify’, not protect or inform, the public.

UK COVID-19 Deaths in Summer 2020: 5,200; UK COVID-19 Deaths in Summer 2022: 7,370

June, July, August 2022: ~7,370 (Source)

June, July, August 2020: ~5,200

BillBC today:

Blood and BBC

That’s like 3.5 people fewer than died with COVID-19 this past summer alone.

Without Masks and Social Distancing COVID-19 Puts About 8 Times As Many People in British Hospitals

Latest available figures, released about an hour ago:

2022. Patients in hospital across the UK with COVID-19 (no lock-downs, but no restrictions on distance and exposure):

11-09-2022 5,875
10-09-2022 5,848
09-09-2022 6,020
08-09-2022 6,146
07-09-2022 6,212
06-09-2022 6,400
05-09-2022 6,515
04-09-2022 6,523
03-09-2022 6,484
02-09-2022 6,664
01-09-2022 6,915

Many of the above won’t make it until the Queen’s funeral.

2020. Patients in hospital across the UK with COVID-19 (no lock-downs, but masks worn and distance kept):

12-09-2020 814
11-09-2020 772
10-09-2020 946
09-09-2020 926
08-09-2020 896
07-09-2020 904
06-09-2020 819
05-09-2020 814
04-09-2020 820
03-09-2020 819
02-09-2020 805
01-09-2020 863

Remember: Surviving is one option; leaving the hospitals isn’t the end of it. You’re left scarred for life. After a while, if or when you die, they won’t even count you as a COVID-19 casualty.

Is the ‘convenience’ of ignoring the death toll worth the sacrifice?

It’s possible that the current monarchy ended earlier partly because of COVID-19 (both the husband and the wife).

Queen/monarchy and COVID-19

Maybe she could exceed 80 years in the throne had she not been infected.

COVID-19 Vaccination in the United Kingdom Stalled (Even Young People Almost Stopped Taking It)

Here are things in perspective (England; new AstraZeneca customers)

COVID-19 first shot

Recent months (England); there are now well under 1,000 new adopters per day (those are mostly kids):

COVID-19 summer first shot

Distribution by age (notice it barely changes anymore):

COVID-19 by age

Number of UK Tests for COVID-19 Plunge (But Cases Rise!)

Interesting turn of events today:

Testing down sharply

Notice the numbers. Don’t we still need to identify who is infected? Apparently not. Liz TruSSmp acts as if COVID-19 was more or less a hoax and the Queen, who caught COVID-19 some months ago, has just died.

Will the Queen’s death be used as pretext to not release COVID-19 information for a while? All the pages in the portal look like this now:


I have nothing against the Queen. For the record, I have some respect for her. But the way COVID-19 is handled is a disservice for those of us not planning to get infected.

NHS Once Again Admits That the Number of Deaths It Gave Was Wrong (More People Had Died Than It Disclosed)

It keeps happening (sometimes thousands of ‘missing’ deaths, sometimes less)

Today, after eight days of silence, the portal was updated. It’s the worst COVID-19 summer so far (in terms of deaths, hospital admissions etc.), but apparently keeping us updated every day isn’t seen as justified by Liz TruSSmp and her party.

Here’s a prominent new notice (top of pages):

September 2022

Log category: data issue

Deaths figures for England include backlog

There is a catch up in reporting of deaths by NHS England following the August bank holiday. Deaths figures by report date on 8 September 2022 include some deaths that would ordinarily have been reported on 31 August 2022.

Deaths by death date are backdated.

Screenshot (as this page will be deleted/wiped in the future):

Deaths figures for England include backlog

And then there’s also this:

8 September 2022

Log category:change to metric

Small number of additional deaths added in England

Due to improvements in processing methods, a small number of past deaths have been reallocated to fall within the 28 day interval for defining a death within 28 days of a positive COVID-19 test. This has resulted in the addition of 150 deaths between March 2020 and August 2022.
Additional details

Process improvements in identifying which specimen date is used to calculate time between a positive test and a death, a small number of past deaths have been reallocated to fall within the 28 day definition and a small number have been allocated to fall outside of the 28 day interval. This has resulted in a net change of adding 150 deaths between March 2020 and August 2022.

Screenshot (as this page will be deleted/wiped in the future):

Small number of additional deaths added in England

Well, it’s hardly the first time this happens. I’ve lost count of how many times they retroactively added deaths to past days, after graphs had already been rendered based on the smaller figures. Can’t they get the basics right? Like counting death certificates? These are people’s lives!

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