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Archive for the ‘Health’ Category

My Old Photos of Natural Bodybuilding

A few days ago I wrote about Mr. Fitness because it might be the last such event that I participated in. I might not have as much time as I once did to work out, but that’s okay. I got my trophies at the time and I am now 28.

Earlier today I went through some old photos of mine. It then occurred to me that I never published the following set from 2005 (I rarely ever went through some older photos due to lack of time). These are photos from a few years ago, around the time of competitions, i.e. when I was relatively slim and agile. The photos are raw and unedited, just resized for the blog. I’m also just throwing the set along with bad pictures rather selecting just few good ones.

For the record: I am natural by all means and in all senses of the word; Never took a single illegal drug in my entire life (no steroids, either) and as far as nutrition is concerned I just ate very few protein shakes, maybe once a day until I was 21. That’s when I stopped and replaced that with fish.

Mr. Fitness 2009


SOME months ago I received a trophy, which I have not gotten around to posting anything about… until today. Having just done some housekeeping in I finally updated the sports page and uploaded my results from Mr. Fitness 2009. Mike Coogan won this last competition.

Rowing: Second Place

Roy in 2009

Earlier this month, the annual rowing competition ended. This was rather disappointing. For the first time since I began competing (2001) I did not get the first place, but it’s not a total loss. Later this week I will do the 2-mile row for another competition, in which I have performed quite well so far.

As the years go by and we all age (I’m 27), the motivation — not just the ability — to stay in good shape rapidly declines. In the table tennis competition I got knocked out in the quarter finals.

Animal Welfare Documentary

I’ve Just Won Mr. Fitness 2008

E xciting news today: I have won the contest for the first time in 3 years. I finished second last year and the year before that, having won it in 2004 and 2006.

Trophies have not been handed out yet, but I’ll need to update this page, which is well out of date.

Cell Phones and Smoking

Friends don’t do this to friends

Smoking is gradually being banned from more and more places. What will it be now that cancer research progresses?

He suggests that people try to avoid constantly carrying their cell phones on their bodies and also try not to keep the devices nearby at night under the pillow or on a nightstand. He even warns against using cell phones in public places like buses because it exposes others to the phone’s electromagnetic fields.

Cellphones Harm Health, Says New Study

Antennas and satellite dishes

Some time ago I wrote about the health implications of cellphones, Wi-Fi and wine. There are the “only make believe” and wishful thinking studies, which much like in global warming can be funded by those with vested interest. And then there’s reality. After a study from Japan which suggests cellphones are no health hazard there’s this from the news:

Heavy mobile phone use may be linked to an increased risk of cancer of the salivary gland, a study suggests

A lot of people will be unhappy to read this. Personally, I’m glad I stopped carrying a cellphone back in 2003.

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