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Scotty ‘Beamed’ into Space


Several networks have covered this story including CNN

LOS ANGELES, California (Reuters) — Evidently “Star Trek” actor James “Scotty” Doohan took the catchphrase “beam me up” very seriously — his cremated remains will be launched into space in accord with his last wishes.

Related item: Internet Teleport

Massachusetts Goes OpenDocument, More to Follow Suit?

Bill Gates
Bill Gates arrested in his younger days (photo in public domain)

As previously discussed, the admirable state of Massachusetts is able to recognise problems with closed applications and proprietary formats. It is now confirmed that Massachusetts will carry on and dispose of Office in a staged migration to OpenDocument, culminating in 2007.

With Microsoft’s OpenOffice XML the loser to OpenDocument in Massachusetts, the war of desktop formats is likely to spread to other governmental bodies, says one participant in the deliberations who sees the decision as a tipping point.

“In many ways it becomes circular,” said Doug Heintzman of IBM in an interview Friday. “It emboldens other entities. We are on the cusp of a big change.”

Immense perseverance at Microsoft did not help avoid this key loss of the Massachusetts ‘flagship’. Awakened interest in Linux recently emerged among African governments as well. Only last week, South Africa wished to ditch proprietary and get rid of hundreds of millions (USD) worth of licences. All the same, it is still worth reading the open letter from the KDE team to Microsoft.

Penguin animation
Is this the beginning of the end for Office proprietary?

Silencing Political Blogs

Torn American flagA BusinessWeek article relating to political blogs is rather difficult to ignore.

It appears as though a controversial move by the US government could make it more difficult for blogs to voice political tendencies. If censorship was ever forced, would that permit the existence of political comments, which may be contained within these blogs? We have already come to witness a lawsuit against a Webmaster due to contributory comments that were contained in his site. This should definitely make us all raise a brow.

Amid the explosion of political activity on the Internet, a federal court has instructed the six-member Federal Election Commission to draw up regulations that would extend the nation’s campaign finance and spending limits to the Web.

Google – Internet Connectivity Service

Wireless computer
Connect with Google, search with Google, E-mail with Google. Google machine and operating system yet to come?

GOOGLE are high up in the headlines again as rumours have become a reality. It is said that “Big G” is yet to offer Wi-Fi and Virtual Private Networking (VPN) to America, starting with the San Francisco bay area.

Google already allow visitors to download necessary software from their site and the FAQ explains a little further. There appears to be somewhat of a ‘hit-and-run game’, whereby Google bring their download sub-site to life, but quickly make it unavailable again, re-directing to their main search page. I suspect this may only appear this way because I access Google from outside the United States. They intend to cover the States in the future as a full-scale ISP according to some rumours, which can finally be confirmed.

I still remember the days when Google boasted being a powerful search engine, later to become a fully-blown information management and centralisation body (e.g. Google Groups, Google Directories). Maps and E-mail have greatly extended its scope, yet now, as Internet services are unveiled, there appear to be no apparent limits.

What will be next to come: Google boxes and Google O/S near you?

‘Static Electricity Man’ Starts Fire

Static electricity

MULTIPLE sources I have come across are citing the same article from Reuters (first John Dvorak, now Slashdot). The facts are truly unbelievable. If it had not come from Reuters, I would not have quoted it. Judge for yourself:

An Australian man built up a 40,000-volt charge of static electricity in his clothes as he walked, leaving a trail of scorched carpet and molten plastic and forcing firefighters to evacuate a building.

“We tested his clothes with a static electricity field meter and measured a current of 40,000 volts, which is one step shy of spontaneous combustion, where his clothes would have self-ignited,” Barton said.

Skype, eBay and PayPal Join Forces

Skype and eBay

Skype are to be bought by eBay in a strategic move which aims to ease comminication between sellers and buyers. Perhaps it will also enable real-time voice auctions.

eBay’s chief executive said:

By combining the two leading e-commerce franchises, eBay and PayPal, with the leader in internet voice communications, we will create an extraordinarily powerful environment for business on the net.

HP to Ship Linux

Compaq with Linux
Debian on a Compaq. Compaq were
acquired by HP and Ubuntu is based on Debian Linux.

ONE of the key challenges that Linux has faced lately was its inability to get shipped by giant hardware distributors. A milestone can now be marked as Hewlett Packard begins to sell Ubuntu Linux, pre-installed on both desktops and laptops.

HP’s Sean Owen-Jones… said the company would shortly be releasing desktop and notebook PCs running Ubuntu Linux. The NX6110 notebook would be available shortly with Ubuntu and a desktop PC would also be available.

[HP's] Schulz said that HP’s entire email infrastructure… is run on Linux and delivers in the region of three terrabytes [sic] of mail annually.

Next up: Dell Computers.

Why you might ask?

Rather recently, Michael Dell asked Steve Job (of Apple) if he could take advantage of Mac OS X, which is now compatible with x86 architectures. Mac OS X , which is Linux-based (see correction in comment), can easily be incorporated into a massive stock of Dell machines. Tiger, being the most recent version of Mac OS, is taking some niches by storm already, security and eye candy being a major pro.

More importantly, as I pointed out 2 months ago, Michael Dell gave $100,000,000 to RedHat Linux out of his own pocket while Fujitsu opted for SuSE Linux and server support services.

To spice up this discussion, a Gartner Group study concluded that mainstream use of open source in IT environments may be just 5 years away. What a glorious turn of events.

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