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Archive for the ‘Productivity’ Category

Productivity in Research

IF I ever undertake a repetltive task that pertains to research, I wish to either automate it using existing (preferably free) tools, script it (e.g. bash, Perl or MATLAB which is by all means expenesive), or costomise the desktop environment to minimize the number of moves, clicks, etc. Productivity through convenience can be achieved using clipboard stacks, mouse focus policies and so forth.

KDE launcherI find Linux to be a powerful tool in research. Windows, for instance, could not replace the multi-tasking capabiltities and expresiveness of Linux. Macs likewise, although they are most popular among designers, technical designers included. They are not, as far as I can tell, an optimal programming platform considering the price which they sell for. Singularity from Microsoft is intended to address the deficiencies related to Windows in the research sector. It is Singularity, as well as Monad, that ought to endow Microsoft with the platform that suits so-called “power users”. Monad is a command-line tool for Windows, that has been hacked a few months ago and will therefore be excluded from Windows Vista. In the mean time, KDE will remain my favourite desktop environment. Linus Torvalds could give a polite nod.

Desktop environement productivity tools and essays:

Centralising Applications, Settings, and Data

Servers stack
A server as your main and central ‘workstation’

HAVE you ever wondered if re-entering passwords, restoring settings, synchronising bookmarks, and exchanging files are at all necessary tasks? Could these repeatable tasks possibly be avoided? Is there a way of working from a variety of places, totally oblivious to the location of data and the state of the applications used? To me, there is a simple method for keeping everything in a single place, but it relies on a quick network connection.

I keep all my settings synchronised by always SSH‘ing (must get X-forwarding enabled) to a single machine that acts as a server. All other machines are used merely as terminals; and yet, one must assume the user is always connected via fast fast Wi-Fi or Ethernet. How truly comforting would it be to have all the computers behave in the same way? With good bandwidth in hand, also the level of responsiveness is identical.

This can definitely be done with Windows and Apple Macs although, if you steer way from UNIX and its variants, that might involve complications when it comes to applications, utilities or commercial software (Windows in particular). It is worth emphasising that you need only install software once — on the server. Data is stored on the server as well and this includes settings, browser cookies and so forth.

In short: same everything, different hardware, from different locations, at any time (provided you do not mind electricity bills for workstations that are constantly on). I always leave my machines switched on because I often find that it is a good return (productivity-wise) on investment.

Related items:

Keychain ‘Optimisation’

Decline - a sharp drop
Little can be good sometimes

MINIMISATION is an important key to a happy life. Not necessarily minimalism, but a simplification rather.

Several years back, I identified the need to find the right key (among the large set) as quickly as possible. I wanted to optimise the ‘fetch time’. No fumbling, no mistakes. Given the amount of time we spend pulling keys out of our pockets, wouldn’t that seem reasonable? Many would repeat this belt-and-braces exercise about a dozen times a day.

Think what keys you truly need and when. I typically carry just 2 keys and 2 swipe cards. That is all I need in most circumstances. In total, they are weighing at about 30 grams and are invisible in the pocket. My PDA is quite discreet too: no bigger than a small cellular phone.

Wallets likewise. I carry coins or bills when required. I pour all change in my pocket and empty in all in central ‘repository of change’ when I get home. No bloat due to wallet! Pockets are emptied, the pants become lighter and there are never hard or sharp objects nearby valued organs.

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