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Archive for the ‘Programming’ Category

The Death of Commercial Software

CD's pile

Open Source software might slowly conquer the market according to this item from IT Manager’s Journal:

Is the enterprise software business dying? Is anybody out there buying new licenses? Based on news from the past few weeks, it seems that there are very few buyers. The collapse of new licensing revenue isn’t news — it started five years ago — but the latest news makes it look like a permanent and accelerating fact of life for software vendors.

Regarding operating systems and the take on computers in general, Clayton Hallmark from Argentina predicts that low cost computers from Asia will bring Microsoft to its end.

MOBILIS apparently goes for only $220 in India

Talk using Wiki

The Public Wiki section on this domain

In a newly-added page I explain why have I moved correspondence from E-mail and IM to Wikis.

E-mail just did not seem like a natural form for exchange of messages. Long tails of quoted text appeared in messages and one could easily lose track of the conversation, which had intervals of hours or days in between. What’s more, backup, archiving and searching capabilities were poor.

This approach has more advantages, e.g. password-protected access which prevents spam, offers better customisation abilities, compactness, and inter-operability. Installation details have been included.

MATLAB Pinnacle

Pause/Resume Demo

Statistics for the month of April have just come out from MATLAB Central. I was ranked 1st world-wide, jointly with Luigi Rosa.

I am nearing 20,000 downloads and this figure should be exceeded later this month. It is rewarding to know that many programs out there have my DNA.


PHP-NukePHP-Nuke is a free content management system, which is relatively difficult to install and involves a tedious learning curve. I spent the day investigating it in depth and eventually minimalised it to avoid unnecessary clutter a la Slashdot. The package was constructed by geeks and was intended for an audience of geeks.

My favourite example site is associated with Enemy Territory as I was badly addicted to the game (photographics evidence). PHP-Nuke is by far more sophisticated and complex than WordPress, for example,and I would rate it 9 out of 10.

The site I currently work on is titled The Computer Vision Digest. Also see:

Firefox Mac Theme

Following a recent intervention with a Mozilla Firefox theme, I decided to pull together a Mac OS X-like theme for Firefox. I have set up a minimalist download/install page, but I am unlikely to take this further. Much of the artwork is imported and stitched together. I wish I found the time to create everything from scratch.

OSX Theme for Firefox

click image to view in full size (low resolution/lossy)

PimpZilla Blue

PimpZilla for Mozilla Firefox is one of the richest themes around. It was too ‘bling-bling’ and yellow for me to use at the office, so I modified it slightly. I can imagine the feeling of the original author about the hack, therefore I do not publish it. Contact me if you want a copy however.

PimpZilla Blue

PimpZilla in blue contains the official PimpZilla screenshot
click image to view in full size

Update: To avoid an E-mail load, I have put the Java archive in this page.

Congested Workspace and the GIMP

Faces in GIMP

To test my algorithm for a paper (see related work), I needed to generate warped face images (approximately 300 of them) and found myself with a well-occupied workspace. I use the GIMP animation Script FU called “Ripple” to achieve the necessary effects. The script takes an input image and outputs a sequence of images which make up a video of a ripple effect, like a flag.

Example input:

Ripple before

One image of a sequence of outputs:

Ripple after

Thank you, Adam D. Moss, for sharing that excellent script.

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Original styles created by Ian Main (all acknowledgements) • PHP scripts and styles later modified by Roy Schestowitz • Help yourself to a GPL'd copy
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