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Monday, May 30th, 2005, 2:25 am

From PageRank to Alexa Rank


It appears as though Google removed PageRank from the public. No official announcement has been made though. Google once warned about abuse of public PageRank and trading of links. They were probably most dissatisfied by the involvement of AdSense, their advertising program, in the midst of this abuse.

It is difficult to surf the Web without an indicator of any kind. It is hard to establish trust in information unless there is a measure of reliability bound to it. As a substitute, Alexa rank can be used as part of a Firefox extension called SearchStatus. Alexa rank is not as verbose and dynamic as PageRank, but it is far better than nothing.

SearchStatus in action

3 Responses to “From PageRank to Alexa Rank”

  1. SEO Files Says:

    From PageRank to Alexa Rank
    [Source:] quoted: From PageRank to Alexa Rank Filed under: Internet SEO by Site Administrator at 2:25 am It appears as though Google removed PageRank from the public. No official announcement has been made though. Google once warned …

  2. Duncan Says:

    I noticed that Pagerank on the Google toolbar wasn’t working the other day and was giving crazy ranks (like 120/10) but my PageRank and Alexa rankings both seem to be working (and still giving different rankings) now.

    I am using the SearchStatus extension for Firefox.

  3. Roy Schestowitz Says:

    PageRank and Alexa rankings both seem to be working (and still giving different rankings) now.

    PageRank ranks pages and Alexa ranks domains. That is why they differ.

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