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Wednesday, February 19th, 2025, 12:58 pm

In First 5 Weeks of 2025 67,630 People Died in England and Wales Compared to 58,461 in the Same Period in 2019

New data out today.


Week 3 and Weeks 1-5 2019 - England and Wales


Week 3 and Weeks 1-5 2025 - England and Wales

Almost 10,000 more deaths in about a month.

Wednesday, February 12th, 2025, 1:21 pm

Weekly Deaths in England in Wales Increase by About 2,500 (Per Week!) After “New Normal”

IT IS WEDNESDAY again, so there were new mortality figures this morning.

In week 5 of 2019 we had just over 11k deaths in England in Wales.

deaths in England in Wales, week 5 2019

Now, in 2025, in week 5 we had 13,712 deaths. That’s nearly 14k.

deaths in England in Wales, week 5 2025

Last week we saw similar increases.

Wednesday, February 5th, 2025, 2:19 pm

2019 Week 3 Deaths in England and Wales: 11,860. 2025 Week 3 Deaths in England and Wales: 14,679. That’s Almost 3,000 More Deaths in Just One Week!

The new data from ONS:

The new data from ONS

I HAVE just checked this page, which was updated a few hours ago with weekly data. I then compared apples to apples or oranges to oranges. Before the COVID-19 pandemic we had vastly fewer people dying (than now).

It’s up from 11,860 in 2019 to 14,679 this year. The total population increased 1-2% in that period of time.

It was almost the same last week.

What contributes to this massive increase?

When will numbers come back to “normal”? Is the “new normal” an extra ~60,000 Brits dying per year? That’s a lot, it’s way too much, and it warrants investigation + clear answers.

Thursday, January 30th, 2025, 6:33 am

Week 2 2019: England and Wales 12,609 deaths. Week 2 2025: England and Wales 14,416 deaths.

IT is just what the numbers released yesterday morning say:

Week 2 2025: England and Wales 14,416 deaths.

Compare to 2019 (before COVID-19):

Week 2 2019: England and Wales 12,609 deaths.

So we’re looking at almost 2,000 additional deaths (for a single week)…. more than before.

Maybe it’s over 2,000 if one includes Scotland and Northern Ireland.

Thursday, January 16th, 2025, 6:46 am

‘After’ COVID-19 Thousands More Lives Are Lost Every Month in Britain (Even in 2025)

UK deaths in December 2024 about 15% higher than before COVID-19

IN THIS 2024 page updated less than a day ago we see data that the mainstream media would rather ignore.

New ONS data released yesterday morning shows that in England and Wales we had 11,950 dead people… just in Week 50 (2024). Before COVID-19 it was about 10.5k for Week 50. So we’re losing about 1,500 more people (than before) in one week in England and Wales alone.

This isn’t about very old people. People in all age groups die in growing numbers.

Why is the media ignoring this? The population grew 1-2%, so an increase so significant merits investigation and hard questions.

Thursday, January 9th, 2025, 4:47 pm

Manchester City Council: Less Than 10% of Households Choose ‘Digital’ or ‘Smart’ Over Paper, Help Us Change This to Leave You Without Paper Trail

I HAVE just received a curious E-mail.

Suppose there are over 400,000 “Manchester households” (it does not say Greater Manchester, but set that aside for now).

Manchester City Council now says: “We would like you to join over 40,000 Manchester households that already receive their council tax bill by email.”

Like the roughly half who got connected (or conned) into “smart” meters? After a decade of constant nagging?

What would be the actual advantage of having “council tax bill by email”?

Quoting Manchester City Council: “The benefits of this are:

- It saves money on printing and postage that could be better used for our city and vital front-line services

- It saves paper and is kinder to the environment”

Well, that’s just classic greenwashing, and not only a duplicate point (they basically make the same argument twice).

It may seem OK to only receive some E-mail, but no paper trail exists if that’s done. And some places require actual paper, e.g. bills with addresses on them. They would not admit or accept (or access) some E-mail that you “forward” to them (and can be easily forged).

Paper trail means paper.

Hard paper.

If you want to save the planet, don’t start by culling small paper items (like receipts).

Think BIG; cull cars and jets, especially rich people’s jets that pollute for only one person.

The oligarchy tries to blame the “peasants”… for receiving 1-page A4 paper sheets. How much pollution does one tanker generate? Or some space “mission” (rockets)?

Go sell your BS agenda to someone else. Paper trails exist for a good reason and I have all my bills from the Council going over a decade back. Those can be invaluable as proof of things.

Gmail is meanwhile killing E-mail accounts it deems not active enough (new policy). Way to burn bills, invoices etc. without consent.

Wednesday, January 8th, 2025, 12:33 pm

In 2024 COVID-19 Wasn’t Tackled and Mass Mortality Was Just ‘Covered Up’, Based on ONS (UK Government) Data

They also keep changing the format (they did so again this morning at 9:30AM), so comparing old sheets to new sheets gets harder.

I DID not imagine the Labour Party would challenge COVID-19 policies of the Tories. I was right, that just didn’t happen.

Now we have like 50,000 more people than before dying each year in England and Wales. Cause? Unknown. They don’t want to talk about it, let alone investigate.

New ONS data is out today (about mortality). In England and Wales, for Week 49 of 2024, deaths rose ~1000 people/week (compared to pre-pandemic times). Same is true for Week 48, Week 47, and Week 46 (maybe a bit less, no less than 800-900/week). They say they’ve “solved” COVID-19 but after mass vaccination we end up with about 10% more deaths than before the pandemic, even in late 2024. I checked this every week on Wednesday, i.e. every time they updated data. The population size only rose by 1-2%, why did deaths rise by about 10%?

How do they expect people to trust authorities (and the press) if they keep gaslighting the public about this?

After scandals (cover-ups) like the tainted blood and Horizon, why should we assume there’s nothing more to see here? When will more be known? 40 years from now?

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