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Wednesday, July 24th, 2024, 11:45 am

Almost 1,300 More Deaths Per Week Than 5 Years Ago in England and Wales

IT seems like excess deaths/mortality in the UK shall continue unabated.

In 2019 England And Wales had 9,062 deaths recorded in week 27 compared to an average of 9123 between 2014 and 2019.

This year? The new numbers say 10333, i.e. an increase of almost 1,300 deaths (in one week!) since 5 years ago.

The Labour Party needs to launch a formal scientific investigation (not gossip/SMS of Boris Johnson) into the cause/s. We cannot just simply pretend this isn’t happening or doesn’t matter.

Wednesday, July 17th, 2024, 10:11 am

British Population Grew From 66.7 Million to 67.9 Million, But in Same Period Deaths Grew by More Than 10%

I‘ve just retrieved today’s numbers (weekly release) and it looks like this:

Week 26 2014-2019 England and Wales Deaths (average): 9,177

Week 26 2019 England and Wales Deaths: 9,511

Week 26 2024 England and Wales Deaths: 10,609

That’s 1,400+ more deaths (for one week) than in 2014-2019.

What is the cause?

Can we afford to ignore almost 100,000 extra deaths a year? More and more of these surpluses are young people. We see it from the data and the age brackets.

Wednesday, July 10th, 2024, 10:37 am

Labour Government Needs to Study What Has Caused Such a Sharp Increase in UK Deaths

Hold Tories accountable! Here’s your chance.

In week 25 of 2019 9,458 people were reported dead in England and Wales. The average for that week between 2014 and 2019 was 9,302.

In 2024? 10,455 (numbers released 2 hour ago). These numbers have just come out and they’re consistent with prior weeks this year. That’s an increase of more than 10% despite many old people already dying in recent years. These additional deaths are therefore also young people. One can verify by checking the age bracket columns. Many young people die!

Will the Labour-led British government study the cause of such excess deaths?

On the one hand the media tells us there’s a COVID-19 summer surge, but at the same time AstraZeneca pulls out of the COVID vaccines market. What does AstraZeneca know?

Wednesday, July 3rd, 2024, 3:26 pm

Ongoing Excess Deaths (Over 10% More Than One Should Expect)

In Week 24 of 2019 9,445 people died in England and Wales, compared to an average of 9,408 (5-year average) between 2014-2019.

This year, for the same week, we have 10,486 deaths in Week 24.

This represents an an increase of over 10%. The UK population did not grow by 10% in 5 years and given that so many old people died during several years of COVID-19 waves, why are we seeing this ongoing surge?

Wednesday, June 12th, 2024, 12:54 pm

Nationwide Issues Reported, But Only After Speaking to 3 People (2 of Whom in Person)

I was going to report something negative, but at the last minute there was a breakthrough.

On May 23rd we reported issues to Nationwide and today at the branch I spoke to 3 people, one of whom over the telephone. Only the third person whom I spoke to finally took the feedback seriously and passed it on. I reported an issue with their platform and also an issue reporting much-needed issues to their so-called “IT team”, which lacks a contacting mechanism. Assuming they didn’t just pretend to pass it on, they will at least take the issues into consideration.

Wednesday, June 12th, 2024, 9:05 am

Over 10% Increase in Deaths in Week 21

I‘ve just checked and less than an hour ago ONS released new numbers for Week 21, showing 10,909 deaths in England and Wales compared to 9,747 on average between 2014 and 2019, i.e. before the pandemic. That’s an increase of almost 1,200 deaths in just one week. Imagine how many that adds up to in 52 weeks.

Also see: Excess mortality across countries in the Western World since the COVID-19 pandemic: ‘Our World in Data’ estimates of January 2020 to December 2022

Wednesday, June 5th, 2024, 5:45 pm

Deaths in England and Wales Still Very High Compared to Same Period Before COVID-19 and Experimental Vaccines (That AstraZeneca Has Since Withdrawn)

IT IS Wednesday again.

So new numbers were released today by ONS.

Number of deaths in latest week (Week 20): 11,254
In 2019: 10,272
2014-2019 average: 10,036

So it grew about 10%.

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