Sunday, January 25th, 2009, 1:01 am
Tagged Again: Seven Things You Don’t Know About Me
Photo from around 1984
R. GLYN MOODY HAS JUST TAGGED ME, which means that I became a (flattered and willing) victim of an endless chain:
The rules that apply to those whom I tag are:
- Link to your original tagger(s) and list these rules in your post.
- Share seven facts about yourself in the post.
- Tag seven people at the end of your post by leaving their names and the links to their blogs.
- Let them know they’ve been tagged.
I last did this a couple of years ago, so I’ll reuse four and add three more.
- I never tie my shoes these days. Whether it’s sneakers or something more formal, I tie the laces just once and then use the shoes as though they were flip-flops.
- As s child, I wanted to play the trombone
- I worked at Burger King for a year (as a teenager)
- I nearly always use the computer while I eat
- I sometimes wonder if technology does more harm than good to us homo sapiens
- Nothing bores me more than lectures about knowledge that will never be applied for good cause. I fall asleep easily at such talks.
- I’ve begun abstaining from many things that emit radiation, no matter what self- or corporation-appointed scientists say about the long-term impact
I pass on this chain to:
Tags: Mary Jo Foley, Matt Asay, Matt Cutts, Matt Mullenweg, Michael Larabel, Russell Ossendryver
February 11th, 2009 at 10:18 pm
“I nearly always use the computer while I eat”
Hehe, reminds me of my sister. She always texts at dinner by hiding her cell phone under the table. It appears as if she is looking at her plate, but she really is texting a mile a minute.
I almost spilled soda on my laptop keyboard a couple of months ago. Some of it got on the edge of the keyboard, but I quickly unplugged the laptop and wiped up the spill. Now, I always screw the cap on the bottle whenever I drink near the computer. XD
“Nothing bores me more than lectures about knowledge that will never be applied for good cause. I fall asleep easily at such talks.”
Me, too. I have a 3.5-hour marketing class every Monday, and all we do there is sit and discuss the readings. (It’s a required class for my degree.) Class discussion tends to go on and on about the same topics. Lectures = Big waste of time
Anyway, cute baby pic! My little sister had curly dirty blonde hair when she was a toddler, but now she has dark brown hair. Her hair is still curly.