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Friday, March 4th, 2022, 11:56 am

Putin Has Failed Russians and He Should Step Down Peacefully

Ukrainians are Russian? Yes, so I bomb them. Ukrainian cities are yours? Yes, so I wreck them.

THIS site or Weblog is usually more about technology and about scientific endeavors, not politics. But now we’re at risk of a Europe-wide if not worldwide conflict, maybe even nuclear conflict. Thus, “staying out of it” isn’t a tenable position.

I’ve made my position clear on the matter several times over this past week. Mr. Putin has moved on from caring about how the world views his stance on freedom of press and is now suppressing any media to guard what Russians think of Putin’s Russia and its war, no matter the consequences and irrespective of the freedom of the press.

This week I worry about Edward Snowden and what might happen to him in case the US (or EU) captures hostages. Snowden was all along just a high-profile “bargaining chip” of Putin.

The atrocities I read about in media that I trust (and that’s not a lot of media) are beyond the scope of this blog, but Russians I speak to loathe Putin and want him removed. They don’t agree with the war, they suffer greatly in spite of their opposition to Putin, and we need to put an end to it. Putin isn’t likely to step down (it’s just not his mindset), so one can hope that his compatriots at the higher echelons will dissent, rebel, and maybe remove him as part of a coup. This was attempted several times against Hitler. Putin can spare himself the risk by voluntarily stepping down. If only he actually cared about the Russian people, not just his big ego.

Maybe you should step down. Duh. Duh.

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