Wednesday, April 13th, 2022, 2:51 pm
Testing Figures Diminish to Lowest Since 2020 as Government Strategy Morphs Into COVID Denial (COVIDiots in Charge)
Those aren’t cases but tests
F you are one of the many people who feel like COVID-19 is a thing of the past and it’s time to socialise or mingle like before, then you’re been conned by greedy capitalists who want you back in your ‘cage’ (office space). It’s spring already and we have over 20,000 people battling COVID-19 inside a hospital.
Based on latest NHS figures, the number of COVID-19 patients in UK hospitals increased for 3 days in a row and it is now above 20,000. It’s 15 degrees outside, but many are in hospital beds with COVID-19. How many:
11-04-2022 20,032
10-04-2022 19,611
09-04-2022 19,481
Notice that it increases.
Daily number of COVID-19 patients (admitted to hospital) by date:
07-04-2022 2,212
06-04-2022 2,400
05-04-2022 2,548
04-04-2022 2,420
03-04-2022 2,285
02-04-2022 2,062
01-04-2022 2,109
815,569 Brits have thus far been hospitalised (for COVID-19). Some are permanently damaged. Many will get re-infected. Recovery did not make them safe.
Over 600 reported dead in the past couple of days, a week after the government had also tucked in another 2,700 ‘missing’ deaths.
Meanwhile, testing value has diminished. ‘We’ gradually stop testing people as if the problem just went away. Corporations hardly pursue any permanent solution. Governments like to pretend this is “old news”…