Tuesday, January 4th, 2005, 4:09 am
Yet Another Palm Bug
Last night I voiced a problem which I have experienced for over a year. Every once in a while, when using the shortcut stroke, text gets erased for no apparent reason. It turned out that other people suffer from the same problem and here is its cause, explained by James Anderson from alt.comp.sys.palmtops.pilot
on January 3rd:
It’s a bug in the keyboard driver: every 16th shortcut it deletes the last 16 characters. The only solution is to disable the driver when you aren’t using the keyboard. When you enable the driver again its shortcut count will start over from zero.
As a strong Palm advocate, it disappoints me that fundametal mistakes can be made. Nonetheless, Palm devices remain notably stable.
When Palm refuses to go right
Cited by: PalmAddict