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Archive for the ‘Health’ Category

COVID-19: Permanent, Irreversible Impact on the Brain

Post covid Alzheimer’s

Excess Deaths in England and Wales – Office for National Statistics (Spring and Summer 2022 by Far the Worst So Far)

The Office for National Statistics (ONS) published the following data 5 days ago. This does not yet contain summer figures, but those should come later (it’s worse than spring). Maybe by year’s end, even if there are efforts to hide data.

Even before this past summer, which was horrendously deadly (record highs), we saw peaks in terms of mortality. As per the data:

Total deaths
Total deaths (equivalent points in the year, left is 2020, middle is 2021, and 2022 on the right)

Excess deaths as per ONS
Raw numbers

The summer figures will be far more interesting. For reasons that are easily observed.

Underlying data (ODF; ONS foolishly used only Microsoft’s proprietary format for this)

British Government Stops Properly Reporting How Many COVID-19 Patients Are Admitted to Hospital and Die (as Winter Approaches and Numbers Already Go Up)

If you don’t have the figures from Scotland, then you can only ever compare apples to oranges:

No further update to hospital admissions in Scotland and UK

Public Health Scotland have changed the definition of patients admitted to hospital and are no longer reporting admissions using the existing definition. The new measure is intended to reflect “community-acquired” COVID-19 and therefore is not comparable to the measures in use in the other three nations, so has not been included in dashboard reporting. Therefore the latest data for hospital admissions in Scotland is 11 September 2022. UK and Scotland hospital admissions will no longer be updated beyond that date. Data for England, Wales and Northern Ireland will continue to be added weekly.

Same for deaths:

Weekly deaths with COVID-19 on the death certificate do not include data from Scotland

Deaths with COVID-19 on the death certificate registered in the week ending 09 September 2022 are not available for Scotland. The UK total number includes England, Northern Ireland and Wales only. Numbers for Scotland will be included in next week’s release, and the UK total will be updated to include them.

Problem solved! No data, no problems! The numbers thus ‘go down’…

Screenshots for archival purposes (those pages won’t exist anymore… in a couple of years):

No further update to hospital admissions in Scotland and UK

Weekly deaths with COVID-19 on the death certificate do not include data from Scotland

Record Excess Deaths in Europe

Record excess deaths in Europe – Invidious

Figures From UK’s Office for National Statistics (ONS) Confirm: This Past Summer COVID-19 Caused the Most Deaths (UPDATED)

Notice how much of these bars (vertical) got ‘blued’ this summer compared to prior pandemic summers:

Office for National Statistics (ONS) chart

Summer 2022 saw thousands of excess deaths in England and Wales ? here?s why that might be


  1. Deaths registered weekly in England and Wales
  2. Monthly mortality analysis, England and Wales
  3. Summer 2022 saw thousands of excess deaths in England and Wales

UPDATE (24/09/2022): It turns out almost the same point was covered in the following video about a fortnight ago:

It Has Now Been Over Two Months and No Excess Mortality Figures Published by Our Government

 Weekly all-cause mortality surveillance: 2021 to 2022

They stopped releasing these reports when there was a massive COVID-19 surge. How convenient.

From IRC:

[16:27] <Techrights-sec> Just stop testing and stop publishing the results, and the problem goes away.
[16:29] <schestowitz-TR> they also need to hide excess mortality reports
[16:29] <schestowitz-TR> from what I saw, they use a BS formula
[16:29] <schestowitz-TR> it takes past 5 years
[16:29] <schestowitz-TR> so in 2022 they factor in 2021 and 2020
[16:29] <schestowitz-TR> as if they were “normal” years
[16:29] <schestowitz-TR> so 2022 looks not so bad
[16:29] <schestowitz-TR> half your dataset is lockdown panic
[16:31] <Techrights-sec> ack

Autumn Coming, COVID-19 Already Making a Comeback in England

These weekly (used to be daily) figures were released 15 minutes ago:

The infection rate is up
The infection rate is up

13% increase in one week

But testing at all-time low

Hospitals filling up with COVID-19 patients when mass gatherings for the Queen are held (COVID-19 likely contributed to her death)

These numbers don’t like

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