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KDE Plasma

KDE Plasma

More KDE goodness with the introduction of Plasma (source)

Plasma is an exciting project in progress, which will enrich the Linux desktop environment even further. Mac OS X is still ahead of Linux in terms of eye candy, yet KDE is close to catching up with the foreseeable release of KDE 3.5.

Similar items with screenshots: Next Generation of X, Operating Systems Eye Candy

Planet with 3 Suns

Third Rock from the Sun

Is anybody else familiar the popular TV comedy called “Third Rock from the Sun” (the third planet — namely Earth — in our solar system)? The producers might wish to rename it “Third Sun from the Rock“. Third Rock from the Sun was a favourite television show in my late teen years though it did not equate to some all-time favourites.

Returning to the main subject, the following snippets cover the astronomical story sufficiently well and were delivered by CNN:

Astronomers have detected a planet outside our solar system with not one, but three suns, a finding that challenges astronomers’ theories of planetary formation.

If you stood on the planet’s surface, you would see three suns in sky, although its orbit centers around the main yellow star among the trio. The larger of the other two suns would be orange and the smaller would be red…

Towards Paper-thin Monitors

Paper-thin screen

Fujitsu have introduced the bendable electronic paper. It has plenty of advantages over thin displays in existence:

  • No electricity is required for continuous display
  • Minimal power consumption when changing screen image
  • High-level display performance
  • Flexible film substrate

…electronic paper can be conveniently used in conjunction with mobile devices as an easy-to-read and portable display device.

Text or images from mobile phones or other mobile devices can be transferred wirelessly to larger displays for easy viewing.

Use in the home can offer more convenient digital-media devices that can be carried from room to room.

Overall, it is a very exciting innovation. On the downside, it makes the dream of a paperless office slip away.

OS/2 Dies

IBM have officially brought to an end their ties with OS/2. They now recommend a migration to Linux and quote dates when ‘the plug will be pulled out’ on OS/2. The article shrewdly states that IBM are unlikely to recommend the same type of switch from Windows to Linux. They recently filed a lawsuit against Microsoft who later paid close to a billion dollars in Windows vouchers. Consequently, IBM kissed, made up and dropped their case. Does that remind anyone of Michael Jackson and bribery?

BIG BLUE has hammered the final nails into OS/2′s coffin. It said that all sales of OS/2 will end on the 23rd of December this year, and support for the pre-emptive multitasking operating system will end on the 31st December 2006.


Longhorn Beta Screenshots

Bill Gates
Bill Gates posing for a teen magazine in 1985
with a Mac at the back, from which he nicked the GUI

History certainly repeats itself. Microsoft have once again imitated the user interface of the Mac, particularly the eye candy; their beta version clearly reflects on that. This beta was only announced a day or two ago, so the leakage of screenshots was rather quick.

Also worth noticing is the stunning similarity to Windows XP, not to mention the absence of improved essence underneath, namely the three promised pillars, which were conceded due to self-imposed time constraints.

The Blogging Downside

Martha Irvine of Associated Press writes about the price of telling too much over the Internet (via Yahoo):

…putting one’s life online can have a price. A few bloggers, for instance, have been fired for writing about work on personal online journals. And Maya Marcel-Keyes, daughter of conservative politician Alan Keyes, discovered the trickiness of providing personal details online when her discussions on her blog about being a lesbian became an issue during her father’s recent run for a U.S. Senate seat in Illinois (he made anti-gay statements during the campaign)…

…Some also speculate that more scandalous blog entries — especially those about partying and dating exploits — will have ramifications down the road…

SpiralI have noticed a few bloggers who fear nothing they publish. One has to remember that blogs do not have to lead to personal discussions. This is perhaps one of the advantages of technical blogs where opinions expressed are about products or companies, seldom about individual people. The mentioning of names is still a true danger.

Evil Hits

Yesterday’s terrible incidents cannot escape my mind, still. By allowing our lives to come to a halt, we allow the terrorist to achieve their goal and expose us to our weaknesses. I would like to quote a statement which I came across in PalmAddicts, written by Mike Cane:

I’ve been watching the news unfold in America and my thoughts and resolve are with the British people and the people of London. Words are inadequate in times like these.

Words may be inadequate, yet how can nothing be mentioned? I would like to express my deepest sympathies to families, friends and those acquainted with the victims.

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